Part 21

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~Kim's POV~

I don't want to be here. I feel so unsafe and scared and- I don't want to die, and the others shouldn't have to die either. And even if you don't die it doesn't matter. Because the others can think you should die, and then you're dead, and before you know it you belong to the crushing atmosphere of space.

For your body to be pulled apart and slowly become trash. I just want to sleep and wake up in a different place, a different fate. But I know, when I finally enter sleep I won't wake up somewhere else. I'll be stuck here, to die. We all will. Why, is this happening?

Ok ok, I have to stop, being scared won't change anything, I mean there positives right? I have friends, I guess, they may die... ok stop, be positive. I have friends, the bed is comfy and the food here isn't that bad. I like being with Blanc even though half the time he just tries to annoy me and make fun of me, but at least he's not ignoring me. Though he does make fun of my height... he's so tall! It's not fair, what did they feed that guy as a kid?

I layed back onto my bed, looking up at the ceiling. A lot of people look at the stars, they see them and feel so calm, but I just see emptiness. I see vast space ready to claim you, I see death, a dark, hungry void.

Why am I so pessimistic? Who would ever want to hang out with me.. I wouldn't, but people do, well I take that back, no one really evers hangs out with me.. well, besides Blanc, but I don't know if he even likes me. He's always so mean to me, but at the same time, he- I don't know, I guess it's kind of rude of myself to assume things about him, but I mean I hope he likes me. I heard a knock on the door and walked over curious, who would be talking to me this late? I opened the door.

Kim: Blanc?

He walked in and sat down on my bed.

Kim: What are you-?

Blanc: Stop it.

I widened my eyes in shock. Stop what? What did I do??

Blanc: Look. I have a psychological profile of you, and I know that you were probably in here, like, freaking out or something so I came to tell you that you're an idiot and stop.

Kim: have a...psychological profile of me..? What does that even mean?

Blanc: Don't worry about it. Anyway, you need to stop worrying so much. I mean it's kind of annoying, and you'll be fine. For now at least.

I sat down next to him and tucked my head in my legs curling up into a little ball.

Kim: I'm sorry.

Blanc: Oh. My. God. Shut up, stop it. I took time out of my day to tell you to stop worrying, and three seconds later you're stressed. I can't believe you.

I really don't understand what he's trying to do, but I think he's trying to comfort me? I'm not really sure.

Kim: I'm trying but you're not the best at comforting....

Blanc: ...

Kim: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, I-....t-that was rude, I'm sorry.

Blanc sighed and almost smiled.

Blanc: You need more confidence.

He lifted my chin and made me look up at him, his hand felt strong, but soft at the same time. Maybe he seems like a cold and distant person, but maybe deep down he wants to be nicer. He pulled me into a hug, which surprised me but felt nice. My face was burrowed into his chest, and I felt safe in his arms. He was warm, and for the first time I felt like he showed emotion, maybe he did care about me. I never wanted this to end, the warmth felt so nice and being held felt comforting. I slowly fell asleep in his arms, hoping that when I wake up he'd still be there. 

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