
11 1 4

It'z Ben a munth of d8ing Drako and hees Ben very distunt. Won day y/n decide to fall owe him . He tearns thuh core nur and walks in two a dore. Y/n quu why yet lee walks in the rume
"Wut thuh hecksies" she wispurrs
Soon she trips over sum thing.
"Whuus there?!"
"Calm down its on lee me"
Y/n gets uhp frum the flore and Drako sii's
"Y/n, dar ling wii did yu fall owe me, I'm vairy biisy."
Y/n asks wut hees doo inch
"Nun uf ur con surn"
He kisses ur fore hed and walks yu out
"Let's go to the dorms"
Yu get thair and he pulls yu down on two thuh bed
"Let's cud el"
Yu cud el fore ours be for fall ing us leap.

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