Headcanons Part 2!

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Just some more headcanons because the last ones were so much fun to write! These sort of have a twist. Instead of regular headcanons, these will either be about their childhoods, or their future

💖 Piper's most embarrassing moment (to this day) was in second grade (Grade 2) when she accidentally sat in a puddle of apple juice and had to walk around for the rest of the day with an apple juice stain on her white skirt. Henry still brings it up.💖

💛 Kenzie would ¨accidentally¨ wack people sitting behind her in the face with her braids in grades 4-7💛

💜💗Summer and her brother, Ocean have had a tradition that every year they bring a friend to their giant family Christmas celebration since Summer was in fourth grade (even though you could fill a football field with all the cousins that come). It was usually a different friend every year, because the ones that came the previous year were scared away by the crazy Diaz extended family. The year Summer joined A-troupe, she brought Amy. Amy has been going to not only Christmas, but Thanksgiving, New Years Eve and a LOT of birthday parties ever since. She's a part of the family now. She even picked up some spanish from Summer's abuela and tias.💗💜

🎮When he was about 7, Ozzy got made fun of and bullied about his glasses. He was very hurt by the remarks and considered starting to wear contacts. It wasn't until a really pretty lady (who may or may not have been his teacher) told him that his glasses was what made him special and unique, that he believed🎮

🖤Izzy was very different from all of the girls in her class. She hung out with the boys, didn't like dresses, DESPISED the color pink, played with hot wheels instead of barbies and would search for frogs and play parkour in the playground. The only time that she really ever hung out with girls was when she would be the dog when they played house🖤

💙When he was little, Kingston wanted to be a scuba diver. Why? So he could feed his baby sister, Angie to the sharks. He explained his thought process to the entire Kindergarten student body, their parents, his parents and the staff at the Kindergarten graduation ceremony when the teachers had all of the Kindergarteners recite what they wanted to be when they grow up. Charmaine was mortified. His dad thought it was the funniest thing ever💙

¨C'mon Kingston, why not a marine biologist. You can still study the ocea-¨


❤️Richelle hated school. She technically had no reason to. It was a pretty good school and she was well-liked. But she wanted to be the center of attention everywhere. And public school was not cutting it for her. Her parents finally got sick of her complaining and hired a private school teacher so she could be home schooled in third grade❤️

🧡Heath was the favorite child until Susie was born. Then he got demoted to second favorite. Susie is now 7 years old and he still hasn't forgiven her🧡

💚Henry was convinced that his neighbor's (not Piper's) house was haunted for a good 10 years💚

🐟Finn was the kid to bark at squirrels. Sometimes, he still does🐟

🌸Miss Angela dressed Lily from when she was a baby to when she was 12 years old. Needless to say, there are some pictures around their house that are- interesting🌸

💗Amy's family has a labrador retriever named Goldie💗

🖤🎮Whenever their parents would kiss, Ozzy would cheer and Izzy would dramatically gag and cover her eyes🎮🖤

💜Summer and her husband, Nico had trouble having kids. After 2 years of trying, false alarms and miscarriages. They finally accepted the fact that it wasn't meant to be. A few months later, they discovered that Summer was pregnant with their miracle baby girl, who they named Olivia Leigh💜

💖🐟Piper and Finn had two kids. A son named Lucas James and a daughter named Sienna Jade🐟💖

💗💚Amy and Henry had a daughter and named her Savannah Avia (like Henry promised, not like Amy would except any other name). They later had a son named Maverick Kyle (Henry actually got to name this one)💚💗

🧡🖤Heath and Izzy made baby naming look easy. They had their daughter's name within 2 weeks of finding out the gender. The only problem was, the one name that Izzy loved (Eva), Heath hated. They mutually decided on the named Ava Louise🖤🧡

💙🌸Lily was planning on telling Kingston (and their family) that she was pregnant on Christmas Eve. Coincidentally, that was the same night that Kingston planned on proposing to Lily. It ended up being recorded by Ozzy and went viral on Twitter and Instagram. Miss Angela was the only person who knew about both events and didn't say a word. It was worth it to see the happy tears on both her daughter and soon-to-be son in law's face🌸💙

❤️🎮Ozzy asked Richelle if he could propose, before he proposed. Richelle did the most unexpected thing ever, she cried🎮❤️

💛Kenzie made it VERY clear to her boyfriend that she didn't want kids. Instead, she got 3 dogs. A toy poodle named Sasha and two maltese and shih tzu mixes named Ace and Apollo (they're often referred to as ¨the twins¨)💛

💚💗Amy had the rose that Henry gave her on their first date pressed to a clutch that she wore on her wedding day💗💚

🐟💖Piper got Finn a yorkie, whom he named Rosie for his 25th birthday. He incorporated Rosie into his proposal to Piper💖🐟

🌸💙Kingston and Lily were sure that their son would be named Xavier. Until one day, pregnant Lily randomly decided that she hated the name. They then decided on the name Toby Anthony🌸💙

🖤🧡Heath purposefully didn't get Ozzy's approval before asking Izzy to marry him. And Izzy purposefully didn't tell him after Heath proposed. Ozzy found out through Richelle.🧡🖤

🎮❤️Ozzy and Richelle had 3 kids, a daughter named Kaitlyn (Katie) Alyssa, another daughter named Brianna Ruby and a son named Asher Jack. Guess who named all of them❤️🎮


❣️💕Noah and Jacquie also had three kids, a son named Julian Michael, another son named Matthew Jacob and a daughter named Lila Marie💕❣️

Thank you for reading! Don't forget to request what you would like to see! Also: Tell me if you want to see any headcanons as full oneshots. Some headcanons are already drafts!

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