Chuck and OMG (Newt)

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        I was quietly folding the gladers clothes when I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned to see Chuck. "Hey Chuck." I said, still folding clothes. He smiled a weak smile and looked at the ground. I knew immediatly that something was wrong. "Chuck, what's wrong?" I asked him. He looked up teary eyed. 

        "I miss my family. I know I probably look like some baby that cries over everything, but I honestly don't think I can do this anymore. Why would someone be so cruel to do something like this to us." He said tears almost leaving his eyes. 

        "Oh Chuck." I got down on my knees so I could see him in the eye. "You are NOT a baby for missing your family, it's okay. You are stronger than a lot of people in the Glade. I know that we may not say it, but we all miss our families, and we all wish this horrid nightmare would end. I understand, and I promise you that we will get through this and we will find your family. Rememeber Thomas' promise?" I asked and he nodded slightly. "He will make sure that it follows through, I know he will." I say smiling at Chuck. It must have been hard for him, being the youngest and all. 

        "Thank you so much." Chuck said while giving me a hug. "You are the best person in the Glade, and if not everyone can make it I hope you do. You deserve better than this. You deserve to have a happy life with Newt, get married, have kids." Chuck said smiling brightly. I blinked away tears as Chuck walked away. I started to get back to work, but tears fell from my eyes. I heard the floor creak and turned to see Newt. 

        "Hey (Y/N)." He said smiling a little bit. He must of noticed I was crying because his eyes filled with concern. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked, holding my hand. 

        "I just talked with Chuck." I said, his raised his eyebrows telling me he didn't understand. "He was sad that he missed his family and wished this would end. I gave him a speech about how he isn't weak for thinking that and that he is a really amazing kid. After-After he told me that if not everyone made it he wanted me to make it. He said that I deserved to be out of this and have a life with you, have kids, and get married." I said crying now, choking on some of the words as they fell from my lips.

        Newt enveloped me in a tight hug. I felt his body shutter and I knew that he was crying too. "You do deserve all that (Y/N), you really do. Chuck was right. You don't belong here, you belong to have a family and get married." He said which made me cry even more. "That is why I was wondering." 

        He let go of me and got down on one knee, and pulled out a little box. "Will you (Y/F/N) do me the honor of being my beautiful wife?" He asked. My breathe caught in my throat and I suddenly could speak. I nodded my head quickly and answered with a whispered yes. He jumped up and spun me around. 'Where did he get the ring?' I thought to myself as he slipped it onto my finger.

        "You are the most amazing person I have ever met. I would never wish for anyone other than you in my life." He said and I smiled. 

        "I agree." I said before kissing him. It was a nice sweet kiss, but there was defiantly passion in it. I pulled back. "I love you Newt." He smiled at me. 

        "I love you too." He kissed me again, and spent the rest of the day sitting in OUR new room and enjoying each others company. 

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