Now I know it can be hard to believe, but your friends are super annoying sometimes. And sometimes, you wanna talk about it, with your other friends. But the friend you want to talk about is still there. With all of your other friends, and with out one of your friends knowledge, assign the unknowing friend a code name that all of you know. Make it represent their personality. For example, some of my friends code names are spazz, bowtie, spider, and Chuck's.
If you want to keep your code names more on the down low, so that they will difinalely never notice, name them after a celebrity. This time instead of personality, use their appearance. Replacing the above we have Jeordie, David, Natalie, and Shakira.
Codes that every girl should know
Randomme and my friends use code words to describe different things so that nobody else knows what we're talking about in public. here are a few things I think every girl should use