#1 - Bumping into eachother

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Well, this is about me an "ordinary" girl. Um.. Hi I'm Y/n Oikawa who happens to be Toru's twin sister..

(If you look absolutely nothing like this and you don't want wanna imagine you look anything like this, just pretend your adopted or something, or make your own story I don't mind

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(If you look absolutely nothing like this and you don't want wanna imagine you look anything like this, just pretend your adopted or something, or make your own story I don't mind.)

I would consider myself pretty normal if you ask me, well as normal as you can get being Toru's twin and all, you sorta gotta keep up a picture-perfect image. I'm what you can say decent at volleyball, well technically- actually let's not get into that let's just go on with the story.....

"Beep Beep Beep" groaning a put my pillow over my head, "Y/n get up I'm about to leave hurry Iwa-Chan is here!!" I yell back" I'm up, coming!!" throwing the pillow in the corner of the bed, I turn off the alarm clock, stretching, wiping the sleep out of  my eyes, I slowly move off my bed downstairs to see that Iwazumi made breakfast and my brother and him about to leave "IWAZUMI!!" I yell as there about to leave, he turns and opens his arms for me as I quickly run and jump on him "Hi Onee-San"Oikawa starts to pout "I'm your big brother though" I turn and say "by only like 2 minutes" he pouts iwazumi says " Shut up flattykawa" he turns to me "We're heading out now see you later" he says quickly setting me down kissing my cheek, he turns around grabbing my brother dragging him out the house, if it hasn't clicked yet me and my brother don't go to the same school, let's just say Oikawas fan girls were just a little too much for me, but of course, I'm still standing tall with my own little fan squad, off topic, I went to go eat the breakfast that Iwazumi made, then got ready for school my first day back at Karasuno I can't wait to see Kiyoko we haven't talked in a while or had any sleep overs, but she wants me to help manage the volleyball team since I understand volleyball...

~~~Time skip at school~~~

'I'm so late' I thought as I was running to school I finally got to the gate but I ran into a little boy who seemed to be like 1 inch taller than me "ouch" we both say and looks at each other the boy blushes and stands up, he reaches out a hand to help me and I accepted it I was slightly blushing he was bowing over and over saying sorry I told him it was ok -RING- we heard the last bell we looked at each other then grabbed our stuff and started running to our classes and apparently we have the same class.

~~~during the lecture~~~

"Hey" I heard the boy whisper behind me I slightly turned "hi" I say quietly about to turn back around till I hear him say something again, "Well sorry for bumping into you earlier also um my name is Nishinoya Yuu but u can just call me Noya" he brought out his hand as he said it "Well hi Noya I'm Y/n Oikawa nice to meet you" I shake his hand with a big smile, he starts to blush as I was about to say something but ended up getting interrupted "Oikawa and Nishinoya you both were already late do you guys want detention too?" quickly snapping my head around we both shook our heads, she roles her eyes, might I add very disrespectfully before turning around continuing her lecture...

~~~Time skip after school~~~

You go to surprise Kiyoko in the gym to tell her that you would join (A/n: So guys in this story Noya and Asahi doesn't stop playing volleyball just to ya know.. Make this easier for me :) ) I start to get my notepad and start to make my way to the gym. As I was walking down the hall I felt someone jump on my back "Oikawa!!" Noya yelled I turned around and dropped him as I slightly giggle "Hey Noya, what you still doing here?" He turns to me smiling "Oh I have volleyball practice" He says putting his hands on his hips and forcing his chess out proud "Race you there" I say quickly running off giggling, "Cheater! You had a head start!" He shouts quickly running after me. "I win!" I shouts catching everyone's attention, Kiyoko turned to see what all the noise was about. Seeing my face she quickly runs towards me giving me a hug "Y/n!" I wobble then fell back "Hi Kiyoko," I say smiling, I turn my head hearing two other people "Hey Y/n," which was Suga and, Daichi, I smile towards them "Hey guys", "Y-y/n?" I turn around confused, seeing who it was my lips slowly part, soon turning into a smile "Kageyama!!" I shout with wide eyes "So it is you, how's the queen of the court" he says walking towards me with surprisingly a smile "Nothing much just been chilling on the floor lately" I say looking down at Kiyoko smiling, she looks up with a nervous grin "Sorry," she says while getting up and helping me up Kageyama ask with a little smirk "Can u still do your royal spikes" I look at him giving him the same smirk back "Can u still do your royal set" Kageyama gives me a death glare and I shiver "I'm telling Iwa-Chan," I say pouting he lets it go "fine just don't tell him" we started  just talking while everyone is sitting there shocked soon Daichi finally breaks their silence between them "So Y/n what are you here for?" I turn and smile "I wanna become team manager" Daichi looks at me and smiles "Well I know your gonna be good at it so sure" I haven't really been on a volleyball court in a while so I was actually pretty excited to the point where you could see the sparkles in my eyes "Thanks Daichi" but after that Takeda came running in "Guys guys!!" He yells we all turn with a questioning look "We have a practice match with Aoba Johsai but only if a girl called Y-y/n plays" he looks up to the team "Which I don't know who that is" I peek out the corner "Oh that's me" he looks at me confused then looks at Daichi "Team manager" Daichi says Takeda then understood and kept going about everything but of course you took the offer and you can't wait to beat your brother.

(A/n: Well first part is done also next chapter will be the Aoba Johsai match and Oikawa is still gonna be hurt like in the anime but so he can play the whole match It'll be a month later but that's all I'm spoiling if your here thanks for reading have a nice night, evening, or morning)

Word count: 🌺1177🌺

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