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It took us about a week to fix our sleeping schedule, today we woke up at 4 am, so I'm guessing we will be back on track tomorrow.

I scrolled down tik-tok as I waited until it's school time. "Check this out," I said showing him a funny video.

"Wait- you are on tik-tok?" He asked.
"Yeah, aren't you?"
"No... It's lame" he replied.
"Lame? LAME? It is not!" I snapped.
"okay okay chill." He said.

I kept on scrolling, tik-tok is pretty cool how can he say it's lame? Everyone would enjoy it, it has so many communities.

"Okay, enough of that" Jackson said as he pulled my phone out of my hands "hey!"

"It's school time, let's go," he said, I huffed and got up following him downstairs.

"Have a good day" my mother said and I smiled, "oh and Jackson dear, I appreciate what you do thank you for all the rides you give y/n"

"that's alright, I enjoy her company." He smiled.
"of course you do" I teased, who wouldn't?" My mom laughed as Jackson rolled his eyes, then we headed out to his car immediately.

As soon as we got into the car I opened tik-tok again and he snatched it out of my hands, but before that, I noticed something "wait wait wait!"

"What?" He asked.
"Give m that real quick," I said and snatched my phone back.

"Hey!" He said.

"Hey what? It's my phone!" I opened the app once again. "I KNEW IT!" I screamed looking at the familiar face on my 'for your page' it was Jackson! That's why he calls it lame then, he didn't want me to find out. I clicked on his account and-
"Woah. 2 million?"

"No! Ugh," he said as he face palmed himself.
"That's impressive, what do you do?" I asked.
"Nothing..." He said and I looked at his videos. Okay then, he makes pov videos.
"you weren't supposed to know about that"
"why not?" I asked, "that's cool"

We continued talking on the way to school then I thanked him and said goodbye before getting out of his car.

Hell, here I come.
I stepped a got inside the school then walked straight to my locker to take my belongings without looking or talking to anyone. As soon as I closed my locker "Hello" I saw luke leaning on the locker next to mine, I jumped in my place, he scared the hell out of me.

"What do you want?" I asked and walked off as he followed me.

"Want to come over for the party this weekend?" Did he seriously just ask me that?

"No thanks," I simply replied without stopping. The next thing I know, he pulled me from my hand and pushed me to one of the lockers. What is he doing? "What the hell is your problem?" I said and the only thing he did is a smirk. Typical.

"Want to- uh," he said getting closer to my face, "come over this weekend?" He is so close to the point that his nose touched mine.

"What did I say?" I said pushing him away but he stood still.

"Think about it" he whispered to my ear which made me shiver.

I said it before, and I will say it again.

After school as I waited for Jackson to arrive, luke approached me one more time.

"What now?" I asked rolling my eyes at him.
"Did you decide yet?" He asked.
"Yes, I did." I replied.

"Then what is it?" He asked smirking and getting closer to me, don't he realise that his breath STINKS?

"I don't know what is it with you, you probably have to see an otolaryngologist. Because I said it twice and here I am saying it again N. O. NO." He looked into my eyes then at my lips and back at my eyes.

How do girls see him attractive?
I heard a honk coming from my right and I breathed in relief once I saw Jackson's face.

"Who is that?" Luke asked.
"No of your business," I answered and got into Jackson's car right away.

"Is that-" he paused, "the luke guy?"
"Mhm," I nodded.
"What does he want?" He asked.

"He kept on bothering me all day long on going to a STUPID party of his this weekend," I explained.

"And did you say yes?" He asked.
"Obviously not" I gave him a look.

New year's Eve - Jackson passaglia x reader Where stories live. Discover now