Chapter 3 - What's on your mind??

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Yoongi was lost in his thoughts as he slowly stirred the bubbling soup. It's been hours since they came back to their dorms. Jin has not woken up yet. They became concerned when he broke into a fever and started shivering halfway through the drive. Joon gave a quick phone call to their trusted company doctor who assured them that the fever was a result of the trauma that Jin had gone through. It was his body's way of fighting against mental and physical exhaustion. It should not get too serious though and should go away with the use of OTC fever reducers. The doctor understood when Joon denied his offer to visit Jin for an examination and informed him that he is available for a visit if they needed him.

"Do you need any help Hyung?" Yoongi broke out of his thoughts at Hobi's voice.

"Huh! What?"

"I said do you need any help. Shall I set up the bowls and spoons for the soup?"

"Ehmm...Yeah...Where is everyone else?"

"In your room. None of them wants to leave Jin Hyung's side. He is still sleeping though." Hobi said as he placed the bowls on a tray and started cleaning around the stove.

"We will have to wake him up. He needs to change out of his clothes and eat something. He didn't even have lunch today. He was supposed to have a late lunch with me after the vocal rehearsal."

Hoseok could clearly hear the pain in Yoongi's voice. He paused with his obsessive cleaning and looked at the second eldest's face. Unkempt hair, stress-wrinkles on the forehead, red-rimmed eyes with purple bags under them and the way he kept on chewing his lips made him look older than he was.

"How are YOU doing Hyung? Are you Ok?"

Yoongi looked surprised at the question. He blinked owlishly at him but then shrugged as he switched off the stove and started ladling the soup in the bowls. "I am fine. It's not me who got almost raped. You should be worried about Jin Hyung."

"I am obviously worried about him, but I am also worried about you. You and Seokjin Hyung have a bond which is really different from what any one of us has with him or you. You are roommates, the two eldest who have their own little world between them, to say that he is your best friend won't be wrong. You literally felt that something was wrong even before we got that message just because you know him so well. And we all have seen how he was your rock when you were struggling with everything. I know whatever happened has impacted you too. So please tell me Hyung how are you feeling?"

Yoongi blinked back tears as he listened to Hobi's little speech. He was not wrong. Seokjin was his best friend, his rock, his only Hyung and seeing him so scared broke him. He sighed and let a few tears fall.

"I don't know what to feel Hobah. He has always been so strong but seeing him so broken pains me. I have always felt concerned about him, what with him being so trusting and naive, but I let my guard down and see what happened?" Yoongi was hyperventilating now gesturing around wildly.

"Yes I was worried when he got late but i didn't do anything about it. I just fretted around the rehearsal room and even when we reached the practice room I couldn't do anything. I saw how that bastard was hurting him but I just stood there. I let my anxiety take over me. I couldn't even calm him down. It took Jungkook, our youngest, both to save him and calm him down. Even Tae kneed that bastard. You, Joon and Jimin provided him comfort through your words. And even now, when he is lying in there, in the very room that I share with him, crying in his sleep burning like a fucking furnace what am I doing?? Hiding in this kitchen. You want to know how I am feeling??? I feel like a failure, like a leech who took his protection and care but failed to provide anything in return. I failed him Hobi, I failed him." He was sitting on the ground freely shedding tears. Hoseok placed an arm around him and he rested his head on the younger's shoulder.

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