Chapter One

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Chapter One 

The Leverets

     Nearly ten years had passed since Travis had first woken up at Malfoy Manor, but now he lived in his ancestral home of Leveret Castle which had hardly changed at all except for the obvious of Travis' Father Master Erek Leveret being dead. The sun was starting to rise on the tidy front gardens of Leveret Castle and the old rough castle door which had On voit tout mais on ne parle rien embedded on it; the barely morning light crept into the Inner Ward of the castle which looked exactly the same as it did on that fateful night when Lady Leveret first entered the walls with her son and in-laws at her side. This was the first time she entered these castle walls since her wedding. Only the photographs on the chimney mantle piece showed how much time had passed. Ten years ago, where there were wedding pictures all over the mantle. Now there stood three pictures the middle one of Ruby and Erek standing by each other holding Travis, the left one of Ruby holding three-year-old Travis with Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy holding a two-year-old Draco by her side, and finally the one to the right that had Travis holding a guitar with his mother standing right behind him holding his shoulder smiling and their house elf Volbey holding Christmas presents in his arms. The room held all signs that Travis wasn't alone.

Travis Leveret-Evans now ten years older slept there in his queen sized bed dreaming not of happy things but the past. 

Travis saw a two-year-old version of himself being held by his father wrapped in a bundle of blankets babbling nonsense. Erek merely smiled before handing him over to his wife and sticking his serpent-shaped ring beside him.

"Run with our boy and be safe Ruby, my lionne!"

Seeing the mother run away with her child, men in black robes and masks surrounded him and their leader, a pale-skinned man with no nose wearing jet black robes. Master Leveret looked up at the beast, a smile lighting up his face and glaring with his red eyes clearly ready for anything.

"Are you prepared to die Seer?" the pale man asked with a sadistic smile across his face. "I am... but are you Dark Lord?" Erek smirked clearly unafraid of this beast or his pets. "I am everlasting Erek Leveret." The Dark Lord said sinisterly clearly believing his own hype.

"Death is inescapable even for one that has drank the elixir of life... BELUA ARDEAT!" the Seer screamed holding his hands aloft. A giant flaming hydra whipped straight out from his hands rushing towards the sky before divebombing into the ground as the Dark Lord turned on his heel and with a swish of his jet black cloak he was gone. As the flaming hydra was nearing the ground Erek murmured. "Good luck, Travis, mon fils."

The hydra finally ran itself into the ground exploding in flames as it made contact with the ground turning everything into ash that the flames touched leaving no one alive.

As he slept however his mother was already up with their angry looking black Birman cat and it was he who struck first.

As he saw the past his angry cat jumped on his stomach with all its weight. He leapt awake and glared at his angry arse cat as his mother looked down at him with a smirk.

"Get your lazy arse up!" Spoke Travis' wonderful mother. He groaned as his cat Loki finally removed its arse from his chest. "But mère I'm tired!" he whined out in his heavy French accent. His lovely mother just laughed at his misery. "Yeah, yeah get up." she told him leaving the room.

"I despise you greatly. I 'ope you know that." Travis told him as he glared at his cat. Travis smirked at the Birman before leaping at him. Loki fell off Travis' bed as he chuckled and tried to go back to bed.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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