Chapter 3:Nightmares and a bath

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Im so so so so sorry i havent updated. Ive had so much happening. My nephew was visiting with my sister and it took up my time. But here is chapter 3. Oh if you do pray for my leg. I freaking twisted my ankel and stretched a tendon playing soccer. Woo for me. Anyway icepack and my book, what a way to end the night,

Candice p.o.v


I couldnt sleep at all. My body was ragged. I couldnt move very much, and being in this position hurt my back. My eyes kept drooping but everytime I came close to falling asleep I jolted awake. The clock on his night stand said 9:34 pm. Im gonna kill Jake for not taking me out of these binds. My arms are locked and my legs are locked, I feel like I'm cramping up. Sighing lightly I looked around, I couldnt see much but my eyes had adjusted pretty good. My feet tapped lightly to a silly kid song,

Hakuna matata

Its our motto.

Whats a motto?

Nothing whats a motto with you.

I giggled. Im such a kid sometimes. I remembered my mom and I would have a movie night once a week. Aladdin was the last one we watched together. My heart pinged. Richard was in jail. My parents dead. I should watch Aladdin again sometime in memory of my mom. Dad and I normally played football together. He would toss it to me and i would crappily toss it back. If not football it was basketball. I remember once my dad was playig with his friends and one of his friends shot it and the ball ended up missed the hoop bouncing of and me who was watching on the side got smacked in the head. The men stopped and my dad was just laughing his ass off. He knew I was okay. I love the memories I have with them. Even if it was short lived. Closing my eyes i finally drifted into a dreamless sleep.

"Happy Birthday to you. Happy Birthday to you." That voice, I looked around I was no longer chained but it was dark. A light came around, just a flicker. It attracted me. I touched it lightly and felt a gust of warm wind and looking down I was in a green summer dress and a meadow.... Turning around I gasped.

'Mom. Dad.' I gasped. They laughed and ushered me over and i ran to them quickly. Jumping I hugged dad tightly.

'I missed you sweetheart." His voice sounded so soothing.

"Me to daddy." A tear dripped down my cheek. I looked at mom and gave her a big squeeze. "Momma." I whispered.

"Oh hunny youve grown up so much. Im so proud of you." I smiled at her. She sounded the same as well.

" this real?" I asked.

"Only if you believe it is." Dad said.

"Honey I know that you want to visit but I have something important to tell you. Richard is coming." Mom said. A chill went down my spine. Suddenly it got cold. The flowers were withered and the once blue sky grey.

"No he is in prison!" I squeaked.

"He will come for you." Dads voice was no longer loving but faint. He was faiding.

"No daddy! Wait! Please!" I begged. Mom was fainting to. I grasped her hand but it was like sand slipping through my hands. "No!" Tears dripped freely from my face. A hard chuckle surrounded me. Wind blew hard around me.

"Be ready dearest." His voice. The chills became evident down my spine. My breathing sped up. I felt a hot wind me. I turned around and there he was,"Im coming for you!" I chuckled. He suddenly dissapeared. His chuckling didnt though.

"No!" I screamed. My knees bucking and my.hands covering my ears but it was like I hadnt covered them at all. Instead the chuckling got louder. "No! Stop it!" I yelled.

I jolted awake with a gasp. Looking around I was ready to see him, my breath in pants. My fear went through my bones. I choked lightly. 'It was a dream Candice. Just a dream. Breath in and breath out.' Looking at the clock it was only 1:04am. I groaned. "Im so not getting back to sleep.' For the next 6 hours I sat there thinking about my dream. Was it real? It couldnt be. Could it? I mean Ive had dreams like this before. Not where my parents show up but I mean that cant mean much....can it? I was taken out of my thoughts hearing a click and the door opening. Jake walked in shirtless of course in low riding sweats. He wore a smile. A genuine smile. I glared. I was definately gonna pounce on him once he released me.

"Good morning my dearest." I shivered at the name and puckered my lips. He walked near me and unlocked all my binds. I was ready to pounce him but I did the opppsite. Falling to the floor on my left side. I goaned in pain. My back, legs, arms, and head were all sore. Jake chuckled.

"Oh love." He chuckled. I growled at him but it came out as a groan more.

"I really dont like you right now." I snapped. My energy was about as good as a baby doing sit ups. But that tyrd went and just laughed.

"Now you know not to do that again dont you." He pointed. I pursed my lips lifting my arms to push my up so I was supporting my weight on my left arm. My right arm resting covering my private area. I nodded my head. I sure as hell know never to do that again."I dont hear nods love."

"Yes. I know." I said softly. He sat down in front of me pulling me to cuddle him. He kissed my forehead.

"How about a nice hot bath." He suggested. I snuggled into him.

"How about sleep first." I giggled. Im ready to pass out. He chuckled.

"All in due time. Bath first. Then sleep." He lifted me up bridal style carrying me to his room and and conjoined bathroom. It was all already ready(tongue twister). Candles and a bubble bath. He gently placed me in the bath. I moaned in pleasure. Jake smiled.

"Can I trust you to not fall asleep in the tub."

"No." I whispered already falling asleep.

Jakes p.o.v

"Can I trust you not to fall asleep in the tub." I chuckled at her. I knew she couldnt. Her eyelids were already falling.

"No." I smiled at her honesty. Sighing, I pulled my sweats down and lifted her sweet body to slip underneath. She rested on my body comfortably. Her chest rising up and down softly. She was gone in wonderland. Last night she worried me. I didnt sleep a wink. I just watched her. From when she was giggling and humming to herself and then when she jolted awake. The look in her eyes. So much fear. She had looked around so fast. She mustve thought someone was there. I was almost ready to grab her but she had calmed down, but that look stayed. I twirled a piece of her hair in my fingers. Such gorgeous auburn hair. Its so rare. Just like her. I love her so much. She isnt a twig. She has meat on her bones. Though that last month she was almost to skinny. I was so busy protecting her from Richard I forgot to protect her from everything else. I can be an idiot. She is not just some woman. She is the woman. I want her to bear my children and give her all she wants. Candice snuggled into me more. A smile on her face.

"Oh Candice. You have no idea how much you affect me. I love you baby. I will make you my queen."


Awwww isnt he sweet! Well he can be a jackass but I mean it will happen. So tell me what you think.




Oh and next chapter. Should I include a little bit of Richard? Hmm. Let me know.

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