𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗣𝗧𝗘𝗥 ˢᵉᵛᵉⁿᵗᵉᵉⁿ

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it was the day after the party and it was quite sunny for the time of the year. the party was great and everyone had a good time. everyone went home around one am, except hugo, lorcan, scorpius and albus of course and lily and james who decided to stay. they expected to have a calm morning not too much stress or drama considering the hangover they were going to have. yeah, that wasn't the case, because imagine there not being drama for once.

andy was walking home from the train station, her night was way calmer, but did have a splendid time. the walk from the train station wasn't that long. it only took her about ten minutes to get home. she knew coming home meant to be greeted by her roommates having a hangover and a big mess.

opening the door of her house she was greeted by something she didn't expect. they all were sitting in the living room, except lorcan and hugo. they had stressed and worried looks on their faces. james was trying to stop lily who was pacing down the room was mumbling things. albus who was still half asleep had his head on a not so comfortable looking scorpius' shoulder. 

non of them seemed to actually notice andy so she spoke up. "what's going on?" she asked being confused about the entire scene happening in front of her. all of them looked immediately at her and lily ran towards the girl.

"andy, thank god you're here!" lily said grabbing the girl's shoulder en shaking her. "something terrible has happened," she explained dramatically.

"okay.. and that is? also where are lorc and hugo?" she asked confused. it didn't help that albus suddenly starting laughing very hard.

"that's what happened," lily said shooting a glare at albus that he needed to stop laughing.

albus rolled his eyes and stood up from the couch walking towards andy. "she just being dramatic. nothing serious has happened." andy still looked at them confused not knowing what was happening at the moment. "lorcan and hugo just got fucked. well one of them.. i don't know. possibly both. depends kinda. i don't really want to think about it, considering yikes," he ranted not making much sense.

"i still don't understand."

lily sighed loudly and james and scorpius who were still standing behind her had a small smile on their faces. "do i need to spell it out for you or something!? seriously, women! they had sex. s-e-x, is it really that hard to understand?"

andy bursted out in laughter not believing a word the girl just had said. she looked up to her friends and roommates who weren't laughing but just looked at her not understanding why she was laughing. "ha-ha. very funny. now what actually happened?"

"uhh.. that's what happened we saw it well now saw saw it but it seems logical when we wanted to wake lorcan up he was laying in bed with hugo naked well it looked like it not that that means they did it i don't think they did it they're just friends", scorpius said it one breath and immediately started biting his nails, something he only does when he's nervous. everyone looked at him confused scorpius wasn't really much of a talker except to albus so him saying this in one breath was kind of surprising. 

albus had a worried expression on his face and walked back to scorpius. "you okay, scorp? you're not jealous or something right?" albus was now panicking a little considering he would probably die right on the spot if he'd find out scorpius had a crush on one of the two boys. scorpius didn't answer but just looked at his feet. "holy-shit! you have a crush on one of them!"

everyone was now looking at scorpius. "what!? no, ew! i would never have a crush on one of those bozos. i'd rather date you", scorpius said discussed by the thought of liking lorcan or hugo. everyone's eyes grew wider and looked at scorpius. it took a few seconds for him to realize what he just had said. "i-i mean. uh.. if i had to date one of my friends. it's not that i l-like albus, what. we're just friends."

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