Molly's long black hair was messily whipped around her face as she left the old brick boarding house. The wind was not being kind but Molly didn't care, she'd had much worse.
Her small black converse shoes scratched along the ground as she headed towards the forest that seemed to go on forever.
All the trees seemed to have ash black trunks and they all had spiky branches sticking out of them that would probably draw blood at the smallest touch to the tip.
But once again, Molly cared about none of this and she just kept walking shakily through the trees.
She didn't particularly know why she was just randomly walking through the forest that, according to the boarding mothers, was strictly forbidden. Or where she was trying to go for that matter. But things started to clear up after a while when Molly realised what was starting to surround her.
She was leading herself straight into a trap.
Stories were told that many witches and ghosts haunted and lurked through this forest but most thought that they were just that; stories.
Molly hesitantly peered behind her only to find that a collection of rather ferocious looking forest animals with sheep sharper than the tree branches up ahead had already blocked her path.
There was no going back.
Suddenly extraordinarily strong gusts of wind blew through the forest and a few wet and sticky raindrops fell messily around her.
But then the rain got stronger and harder and Molly
was finding it hard to even see as the rain falls not in drops but like it's being poured out of a massive bucket above her and the warm sticky liquid wasn't even clear.
It was a deep shade of red.
It was blood.
The blood rain continued to rapidly soak through anything in its path and Molly didn't realise until the very last moment that she was nearing a small house. Well, a cottage really.
There was no other alternative for Molly but to knock on the door because she rain was hitting her like bullets and some of the blood trickling down her body was actually here because she'd stabbed herself continuously on tree branches as she ran through the forest.
There was an eerie silence as Molly waited for the owner of the cottage to open the door.
But the owner never did.
It was the wind the blew open the large wooden door for Molly but she took a few cautious steps inside anyway.
She was sure the owner wouldn't mind if she momentarily used the bathroom.
The icky, metallic scented blood left a trail behind heron the wooden flooring as she took a few more cautious steps when suddenly a tall women with stringy blonde curls lunged out in front of Molly.
She had a big butcher's knife in her hands and purple buttons sewn were her eyes should have been.
Molly instinctively took a few backwards steps when the women started talking in a sickly sweet tone.
'Iv'e been expecting you for a long time little Molly' she spoke, her words seemed utterly familiar to Molly.
And then she remembered.
All the dreams she'd been having... She'd usually forget them by morning but they all flooded before her eyes right then and there.
Molly knew what happened in the next chapter of this story but still was taken by utter surprise as the button-eyed women stuck her knife through Molly's heart.
Within a few seconds, Molly had slumped to the floor, dead.
Then, the women left quickly, racing out through the seemingly ever-flowing torrential blood rain and was never seen or heard of again.
She was a witch