Chapter 8

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Santana's POV

"San, can I talk to you?" I hear Dani over the sound of my music. I pause it and I look at her. 

"I'm listening to something from the studio, so can we make it quick?" I ask her. She nods and walks over to me. She sits down on the couch next to me, possibly a bit too close. 

"Uh- So Rachel may have said something. About Brittany." 

"Huh?" I sit up a bit more and I'm suddenly way more alert 

"Rach said that she's here in Lima" 

"Yeah.. yeah she is" 

"Have you seen her?" 

"Yes, I've seen her" I sigh 


"She came over here for dinner and-" I start


"No, Dani it's not like that" I reassure her

"Ok, then why'd you have dinner with her?" she crosses her arms 

"She- she asked me to! Dani, you do realize that I've been friends with Britt for a long time right? It was just a friends catching up thing" 

"Are you sure?" she still looks skeptical 

"Yes, I'm sure. We're only friends now" 

"Ok," she sighs, "It's just, you have so much history with her. And you've told me everything that happened. Technically, if you told her the full story too, you guys could end up back together. And I don't want to lose you" 

"Dani-" I sigh "We wont end up back together" I can tell she doesn't fully believe that, and I'm not even sure I believe it myself. 

"Alright," she looks down, and then back up at me "How about we go out for lunch? We haven't done that in a while," 

I don't really want to, but it might be a good think "Yeah, we can do that" 

"Great!" she stands up, leaving me on the couch to think 


Brittany's POV

"Everyone will be there, if you want to sit in with us" Mike says with a smile on his face 

"Of course I want to go!" Our shift is over, and we're heading to the diner. Everyone from high school will be there, except for Santana. I haven't seen them in so long, so this will be great. 

"Ok great. I already invited Quinn by the way, so she's probably already there with everyone" 

We walk into the diner, and sure enough everyone is there. I see Quinn talking to Rachel, and I don't know how Rachel knew to come here. She never went to school with us. I sit down next to Quinn in the booth and everyone turns to me. 

"Britt!" They practically all shout it at once. Kurt pulls me into a hug as well as he can from across the table, and they all start asking questions 

"Girl, you look amazing! I thought you were in New York with Santana though?" Mercedes says 

"Uh, I was. But not anymore, I moved back to Lima" Everyone nods and then Finn speaks 

"Mike said you work with him now?" 

"Yeah! I got a job at the studio, we co-teach a few dance classes for kids and teens." 


"So, how did Rachel know we were here?" 

"Oh! I dated her about 2 years ago, but then we decided we were better off as friends. I invited her here" Finn says 

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