Chapter 7

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Hi guys, I'm writing this at an unreasonable time of the night to it might not be the best. I am also trying something new, writing it on a computer than my phone so it might be bit different from usually. Anyway I have been enjoying writing this fanfic and I hope you enjoy reading it so lets begin! (This artwork is NOT mine, credits to the artist, it goes the same for all photos or videos I use :D)

TW: Sexual assault


Sugawara POV: Yesterday with Daichi was magical. He looked so beautiful in the moonlight. I wish I could tell him how I feel, but I know he doesn't feel the same. All he'll think of me a friend. Anyway today is going to be really fun. We are having a team building day. We are gonna play games, eat lunch and spend the night at Daichi's house. 

I check the time and it is 9:30, so we are meeting in half an hour at 10:00 at Daichi's house. I get out of bed and start to get change. I put on a white shirt with a brown sweater over the top and black ripped jeans with a pair of Vans. I take a bag and put some extra clothes, money, portable charger, hat and some other things for the night at Daichi's. I go down stairs, lock the door behind me and head off to Daichi's house.

Daichi POV: I'm really excited for today. We have a team bonding day and I especially can't wait to spend the day with Suga. I heard the doorbell ring and I went down stairs to see who it was. I opened the door to see Asahi, Enoshita and Nishinoya. I let them in and eventually everyone else started to arrive. Everyone had gotten to my house, except for Suga. I was getting a little bit worried because I hadn't heard from him all morning and it scared me, because he usually texts people to make sure everything is still going as planned.

Sugawara POV: I left my house and started to head to Daichi's. I was walking past the park near my house and stopped to buy a drink from the vending machine, since I hadn't have time to have a cup of coffee this morning. As the drink rolled out of the vending machine, I felt a hand touch my ass. I saw in the corner of my eye a man, probably in his mid thirties. He had put his hand up against the vending machine so I couldn't move away from him. No one was around to help me escape so I took matters into my own hands. I ducked down and used my leg to sweep him clean off the floor. He landed with his back on the floor unable to move and I made a break for it. I started to run and ran all the way to Daichi's house. I was panicking all the way there and eventually I was on Daichi's front door step. I took a moment to breathe and process what had just happened. I rang the door bell, heard loud footsteps rush to the door and a panicked Daichi.

Daichi POV: I heard the door bell ring and immediately rushed to open the door and saw Suga. I grabbed him by the wrist and bombarded him with questions.



Sugawara: I'm fine Daichi, I just stopped on my way here to get a coffee.

I pulled Suga into a hug as a sign of relief.

Daichi: Well as long as you are ok.

Sugawara POV: I had no choice but to lie to Daichi. I don't like how i had to, but I know if I told him the truth, he would've gone off and tried to find the guy who groped me. We both headed to the lounge room where the rest of the team was and we put down our stuff that we needed for the night and headed out for the day.

First we went to the arcade and it wasn't that crowded so we could play games without needing to wait long. Nishinoya was testing his strength with the hammer game. Hinata and Kageyama were doing a virtual 10 pin bowling game. Asahi was playing on the claw machines which he was really good at. Everyone else was scattered around, but I noticed Daichi at the prize collection area.

Sugawara: Hey Daichi

Daichi: Oh hey Suga

Sugawara: What are you gonna get?

Daichi: Oh I'm not sure yet.

I noticed this big blue teddy bear with a bowtie and it was the cutest thing I have seen

Sugawara: Look at this Daichi!

Daichi: What is it?

Sugawara: This bear, isn't it so cute!?

Daichi: Do you want it?

Sugawara: What?

Daichi: I can get it for you if you want.

Sugawara: Uh no it's fine. They are the points that you go so you should be able to spend the on something you like.

Daichi: Oh ok.

Daichi POV: Suga walked away to go play some gammes so I decided to buy the bear without him knowing. I asked the person to keep it at the counter for me while I played some games and they did. The arcade was really fun. The team was able to let loose and have fun instead of being stressed out about volleyball. Soon everyone got hungry so we decided to get lunch.

Sugawara POV: Everyone was ready to go to lunch, but Daichi hadn't come out of the arcade yet. I saw him come out with the the bear from before. he came up to me and handed the bear to me.

Sugawara: Daichi I told you to get something that you wanted.

Daichi: Well there was nothing there that I liked so I thought that I might as well get something that you wanted.

I started to blush and looked down and thanked Daichi. He smiled and said no problem and smiled.

Nishinoya: Ok lovebirds time to get lunch. We are starving!

L-lovebirds!? I looked up at Daichi who was blushing and that made me blush even more. But why was Daichi blushing.....maybe wouldn't.

We went and got lunch at this BBQ place and the food was so good that I'm totally going to go there again. We stopped at a park before going back to Daichi's place. I was really skeptical about it, because of what happened this morning so I made sure to stay with someone.

Daichi POV: When we were at the park I noticed Suga acting a bit weird, like he was always around someone and if he was by himself, he would go over to someone, like he didn't want to be alone.

Daichi: Hey Suga are you ok? You are acting really weird.

Sugawara: No I'm fine, I'm just a bit tired that's all and I wanna be around people so I don't fall asleep.

Daichi: Oh ok

I knew that Suga was lying to me, but I didn't want to ruin the day so I just let it slide.

Sugawara POV: I hated lying to Daichi for a second time, but I had no choice. I don't want to bombard the team with my problems, I should be the one to sort them out. Soon we got back to Daichi's house and started to set up the room for us all to stay in when Tanaka suddenly said,

Tanaka: Hey guys let play truth or dare!

Nishinoya agreed with him and eventually so did everyone else. Tonight was going to be fun!

Ok guys so this is a really long chapter and I'm really tired so I'm gonna make a part 2 later on to this chapter. I'm really happy that people read this fanfic. Even though I don't get many views or votes I really appreciate the people who do read, vote and comment on my fanfic so thank you guys so much. Please remember to vote and comment my fanfic, but for now lofiwrites signing out  :)

Word count: 1376 words.

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