The Hospital

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This is a new day in Renzo's Pov:

I woke up Mya told me that she talked to the doctor and he said he'll tell me and my dad everything so I got ready for the hospital visit to my mom

What he wore:

Some thing bummy nice well time to see my mom 

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Some thing bummy nice well time to see my mom 

Renzo and his dad went to the hospital and the doctor said

Doctor: Can I talk to Sebastian in private

S/N: call me renzo and sure

Doc: what is wrong with your friend

S/N: Did she say her name was Isabella Fernandez

Doc: yeah

S/N:  was she going hella crazy with Spanish

Doc: yes

S/N: yeh don't worry bout dat now what up with my mom

Doc: ok lemme get your dad , Mr. Oliver  come in here please'

R/D: yes sir

Doc: so Ms. Oliver is fine 

S/N: that's good to hear

Doc: but she has a concussion and is going to be in a coma for a week but nothing serious

S/N: What- (in a sad/crying voice)

Doc: I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier

S/N: can I see her?

Doc: yeah Room 18 on 2nd floor

S/N: ok thanks

Renzo went to the 2nd floor room 18 when he opened the door he saw mya and mike siting there

S/N: Mya, Mike what are you doing here

M/I: I came with Mya after she faked the doctor saying her name was Isabella Fernandez  but then found out that the doctor was her bestfriends cousin so yeh

M/A: and yo mom my mom bestie so yeah

S/N: oh well sorry

M/A: Sorry for?

S/N: I said it yesterday and like I really explain it very  well but I'm sorry for everything I did to you sorry for attacking you and trying to get you back, I'm sorry for coming at Cohen and everything I've done to you like break your heart and everything I'm also sorry for being toxic, I'm also sorry for trying to make you jealous just to get you back

M/A: Wow well I forgive you seb

S/N: frl

M/A: yeh

M/I: Me, the boys, and Jas forgive you to

S/N: Thanks really thanks.

So they stayed there for a long time then Mya and Mike went home so all that was left at the hospital was Renzo's dad and Renzo himself. They went home at 6am.

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