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Trigger warning:- kidnap, minor unconcented touching

"LET ME GO! GET OFF ME YOU BITCH LET ME G- MNPH!" I struggled as the much older much larger male covered my mouth, his hands were cold against my skin
"Now now baby boy we cant have you swearing like that now can we?" His voice was deep and sent chills down my spin. The way he spoke to me, the fact that he called me baby boy made me feel....disgusting
"Now are you going to come with me nicely or am I going to have to hurt you hm?" I stared at him trying to push down the panic in my chest, trying to have the courage and the strength to pull away but it wasnt happening; I couldn't get away and he knew it, so I let him pull me towards his car, I quickly glanced up and down the street for someone, anyone, to save me but there was no one. That's when I cried. The older male shoved me into the back of the car and I knew better than to struggle, this man could kill me with ease so I sat in the car, silently crying, hugging my (now dead) phone, hoping this was all just a nightmare and I'd wake up in my room with my roommate grinning as he presents his latest food creation.
The car starts moving and I snap out of my thoughts staring out the window trying to memorize every turn, every sign, every building but its hopeless,.we're going too fast for me to memorize so I just stare as the city I grew up in disappears. I'm terrified. I dont know where I'm headed or what this guy wants. Does he want money? Good luck with that I'm a broke college student. Does he want to hurt one of my friends? I doubt it none of them have enemies or none, at least, that would go this far. Does he want sex?
I snap out of my thoughts as he pulls up to a house seemingly in the middle of no where, it's one of those houses that when you drive by them, you dream about living there but not now now I realise how cold it looks, how dark it looks. I realized that the flowers in the garden are shrivelled and dead. It doesn't look the same.
The male parks the car and gets out, I notice him coming round to the right side of the car so I scramble to the left but when he opens the door he pulls me out with ease and drags me, kicking an screaming towards the house. At the front door he turns sharply, his eyes look coldly down at mine.
"If you keep this behaviour up baby boy I'm going to have to punish you" I stare at him, my emotions are all over the place. I stare at him in disbelief, did he say punish me? What did he mean by that? I bite my lip to stop my crying and fall silent.
He's clearly satisfied by my silence because he proceeds to open the door and pull me into the house. He let's go of my wrist, which I quickly pull to my chest earning an eyebrow raise from the man but he turns away much to my relief
"Follow me" is all he says before guiding me up the stairs towards a pretty empty room. The walls are plain white and the floor is dark and wooden there is a singular bed and a box with what seems to be clothes. The male turns to me and places a hand on my cheek wiping away tears that hadn't yet dried, I immediately tense at his touch and he seems to smile at my fear before placing his hand on my lower back, causing my anxiety to spike, and guides me into the room.
"This will be your room, you'll stay here unless I tell you that you can do otherwise, If i catch you out of here without my permission you will be punished, am I clear?" He looks at me for an answer so I nod dumbly which he takes as an invitation to continue
"There is a box of clothes there change into something from there and meet me downstairs so we can discuss you living here" he doesn't give me a chance to respond before leaving closing the door behind himself so that I'm left on my own.

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