-chapter 4- change

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I wake up to alarm clock being so loud its 7:30 its also Monday so that means I have online classes to get ready for so I quickly get dressed . after I got dressed and logged in to my computer I got done with my classes and then I got a call from a unknown number again . i say hello *very hesitant*

unknown- i need help please you got to help me!!!

you-umm who is this?

unknown- that's not import.

you-uh it kind of is bc you called me ?!!

unknown- I'm watching you out side of your house tehehehe

you- alex is that you

alex- uhhhh yeah I just wanted to mess with you bc you said that you had a unknown number called you so I chose to play a small prank on you and also Juliet umm so don't get made at me but I um kind of have to leave or go missing prese bc I have a job

Juliet- umm what do u mean GO MISSING child your going to be the death of me

Alex-hahah very funny but I'm not kidding and I have been hiding a secret from you when you broke up with Gray we kind of started to date

Juliet- wait slow down what did you just say did you just say you are dating my ex boyfriend aka the love of my life but i have one question why??

Alex- it just kind of happened okay

Juliet- that is why you were so worried when he went missing bc he is your boyfriend

Alex-yes and I'm so sorry

Juliet- I know but why do you have to then why cant you stay

Alex- I just CANT OKAY !!!!

Juliet- why are you yelling and what  job is this for why do you have to leave

Alex- I cant tell you I said to much I have to go now okay I love you

Juliet- wait don't go what's happing I need you

(with that Alex hung up the phone)               

{Juliet was full of questions and she needed answer so she doesn't call back Alex no or  call Grayson no you look up why would  my best friend leave me . of course you fall at dead end}

so you chose to go to Starbucks and go to the hollow valley police department.so you go in to try to find your you and you look all over for him and you finally found him

Rick- hey honey what's up

Juliet- oh nothing just board and dad i love you

Rick- i love you to sweetie are you okay

Juliet- yeah i will be just when I'm gone dont be scared or sad I'm safe okay i love you bye dad

(you are starting to head out side when your dad yells)

Rick-honey what are talking about where are you GOING

when your dad runs out of the station to go get you your gone


(then your hear a gun shot in the distance .)

just keep scrolling

just keep scrolling

just keep scrolling scrolling scrolling....   

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