Help Me

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Cara is only 8 years old. Almost 6 foot, beautiful blonde hair that came down to her waist. Lovely dark blue eyes. She's skinny. And yet she is forced to work all day and night to make a quota. Every day of her life, she thinks about being free and safe from her horrible mother, who beats her. Cara will make new friends that will risk their lives to help her. Her quest begins now......

" Mom, I'm home!" she yelled add she walked into her house. " Hi sweetie, did you make your quota today?" Cara looked down at her feet in shame. She new what was going to happen." No mama, I didn't make it. But I was very, very close." tears swelled in her eyes as she said those awful words. " Cara, what have I told you about not making your quota?" Tears of fear ran down her dirt covered cheeks. "Well?" her mother pressured her even more. " That if I didn't make quota you would punish me very badly." Her mother looked down on her in disgust" Good girl you remembered that. You might have been safe when your father was alive..... but now that he's out of the way your all mine." High screams came from their house.

That night, Cara got what she thought was light enough for her to carry, and left. Forever. But before she got out the door, her mother stepped in front of her. " Well, well where do you think your going? You planning on leaving your poor mother to fend for her self. SHAME ON YOU!" Cara pulled out her knife out of her pocket, ready to fight."Now you think u can kill me?" her mother's laughed sent shivers down her spine. Before she could blink, her mother was shutting the door and locked it. Cara was shivering with fear and excitement. She didn't know what to do. She had two options run and jump through her window, or stay and fight. "I don't want to hurt you, mother!" Cara screamed at her mother. "Lair! You little brat!" She froze when she saw the look in her mother's eyes. Death was written in them, her death. She ran as fast as she could to her bedroom, locked the door and threw open her window. Cara jumped for her life. She hit the ground and ran. She dropped the bag she had inside. Everything she had known. Everyone she had loved. Had all become a nightmare, one she can't ever wake up from.

Cara ran and ran till she couldn't feel her legs. She looked back. No one was chasing her, not even her mother. She collapse on the wet, hard ground. It was like she couldn't breath, she ran so hard just to get away. When she had finally caught her breath, Cara got up and started walking around the clearing she collapsed in. It was almost midnight. The moon was at its fullest. With the moonlight shining down on her, she started walking in the opposite direction she came from. Hours later. She ( again) collapsed on the ground cold, tired, and hungry. She fell asleep in no time flat.

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