The escape

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Y/n's pov

"We are getting word that the president would like to address the nation. " The female reporter said. 
After president came on Miss Granada came on a TV screen out of nowhere.  "Children we are going into full lock down for your protection."  Miss Granada said. 

"Yeah right they can't protect us from that." Noodle said. Missy tried to get everyone's attention.  Everyone continued ignoring her and complaining.  "GUYS!" I yelled.  "What?" Wildcard asked clearly annoyed at this point.  " We need to leave we're not safe here."  Missy said. "How do you know that?" Wildcard asked.  That just resulted in me smacking his head and him giving me a death glare.  "Can I borrow this?" I ask Ojo as I take her IPad. "  Ojo drew these ".I started. "Yeah so she draws what she sees big deal".  Wildcard said.  "She drew them 5 minutes before it happened.  Ojo powers isn't that she can draw its that she can draw the future.  " Missy said.

"Ok good for Ojo". Wildcard said.  Missy and I explained the plan to escape. 

Timeskip to when the alarm goes off

"Y/n can you bend the metal? " Missy asked.  I bent the metal so we could escape and a few minutes later we were on a flying bus.

Hi guys sorry it took so long to get this out.  I ended up changing it a little so the reader could have a little bit of idea of what they can do with metal.

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