chapter 1:Awakening

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Spring trap:
My head what the bloody hell happened.
How said that.
Spring trap: me first o-o-off who are you if your William how did you get out of hel-l-l-l.
???: why would I be that murder
Spring trap : another one what your name.
???: Jacob.
Spring trap: well jaco-o-o-ob how long have I be down for and where are we and are you the only one there.
Jacob: from what I know yes I am the only one and you being here for 10 maybe 20 years now. Spring trap: well let try to get out *try to stands but falls* shit my legs are broken Jacob can you see if there anything that could help me get going again. Jacob: * fly's out of spring trap: let see suit part wires screws these could be useful mk2 endoSkelton legs.
Spring trap: those will have to do any tools.
Jacob: yes a lot of them.
Spring trap good give me a flat head screwdriver and let start
Jacob: so how much longer.
Springtrap: well I'm done.
Jacob: It look like you have matel sticks for leg's
Spring trap that be case I have not got any suit legs on so *garb two*
Jacob: now it look like you skipped leg day and how long have they being here there the same color as you.
Springtrap: don't know but let's get out *try to open door* son of a it locked any vents that can fit me.
Jacob: no.
Spring trap: wait I hear something.

A new start (spriagle fanfic) Part 1Where stories live. Discover now