Chapter 5 - Fainting

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Marinette huffed as she walked into the cabin, pushing open the screen door. Her long ponytail was drenched as she pulled it out of the elastic. The rest of her body was drenched from Adrien, Nino and Alya dragging her into the water and dunking her under into the chilling water.

"I'm going to get dressed, and I hope the fire will be started by then," She said as she closed the bedroom door behind her. Nino was already starting to collect from the wood pile outside to put into the fire pit, and Alya was gathering newspaper to burn.

"Stupid water, I'm gonna be uncomfortable for the rest of the night," Marinette mumbled under her breath as she pulled off her bathing suit and went to grab her pajama's only to realize, Alya hand washed a bunch of clothes this morning and they were still air-drying on the make-shift clothesline of fishing line and safety pins. "Great, now I have nothing to wear tonight," Marinette stomped over to the closet, where a supply of towels were held.

"Alya, can I borrow your pajamas for tonight?" Marinette asked as she stepped out of the cabin in just a towel.

"Sorry, mine are on the clothesline,"

"You can wear one of my t-shirts," Adrien suggested without thinking before he spoke. Seeing Marinette in his baggy shirts would only send his face into a deeper crimson colour then if she wore her own pajamas.

"You sure? What will you wear?" She asked.

"I packed extra, so I have an extra set,"

"Thanks Adrien,"

"N-no problem, there is a t-shirt and shorts in my suitcase, y-you might be cold but I'll get a b-blanket," He said, trying desperately to form a normal sentence, while darting his eyes anywhere but her chest area.

Marinette slipped her small, thin body into the large, broad t-shirt that read 'Gabriel' on the front. "Wow, his father even makes him wear his company to bed," Tikki commented.

Marinette walked outside, the moon light grazing softly on the ground. She could see Adrien, once again, sitting alone on a love seat while Alya and Nino shared a blanket across from them. Marinette sucked up her nervousness and anxiety and walked over to sit next to him. As she got closer, she saw a familiar blue scarf wrapped around his neck. Though it was summer, the nights got chilly and the slight breeze that was once refreshing in the day, was no help.

"Nice scarf Adrien," She smiled, gesturing to the fabric around his neck.

"Thanks, my father gave it to me for my birthday one year,"

"Yeah, I remember you being really excited that year," She giggled, remembering his joy in receiving something other than a boring pen from his father.

As they sat by the fire, Adrien fiddled with the end of the fabric. Alya told ghost stories and the rest laughed, the ones that night somehow got even more cheesier every second, if it was even possible. As they finished the bag of marshmallows and let the metal rods they used cool, Marinette noticed Alya was the first to fall asleep, again.

"I'm gonna take her inside, then I'll be right back out," He said, his voice just above a whisper. He carried Alya in a bridal carry and returned to the cabin. Adrien, still fiddling with the fabric, noticed that his finger ran over a threaded embroidery that he hadn't noticed before. He looked at the placement of his finger, expecting to see the Gabriel logo embroidered on it, but instead saw Marinette's name, stitched in cursive writing with golden threads. Marinette was resting her head on his shoulder and seemed benounced of his discovery.

"Marinette?" Marinette perked her head up, looking into Adrien's eyes with curiosity.

"Yes?" She asked, cocking her head.

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