Shoto Todoroki

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You were tired. But not the type of tired that could be fixed by sleeping; not many people seemed to get that. You were tired of existing in the world. Tired of being yelled at by your parents, tired of letting people down, and tired of watching people leave your life. In the last few months, you had lost a lot of friends and even managed to make enemies with people that were your closest friends. You could really only feel two things: numbness and pain. You couldn't shed any more tears because you had cried them all out before it got so bad. You missed being able to do things without feeling the eyes of many on your back. It made matters worse that your grades were slipping, and you were scared that you might not pass high school at UA. You wanted to pass school, but you had no motivation to do anything, including school, anything that involved you interacting with people, or even doing simple daily tasks, like eating. Having no motive to do your schoolwork made it all pile up, stressing you out to the max. You wanted to end it all, and so far you had been doing well, but recently things went down. You weren't sure what triggered it, but you had gotten back into cutting; a habit you managed to break years ago. No one knew and you knew they would judge you if they did. Although you did have the thought of telling Shoto, seeing that he was your boyfriend and all, you decided against it. His leaving at this point would leave you in shambles. This morning, you were in a good mood for once, but it was quickly crushed. You had managed to run into two people that ruined your perfect mood: your ex and his girlfriend. Your running into your ex alone would probably have led to different events. They both hated you, one your ex-best-friend, the other an ex-lover. By causing a big scene at the store, it ruined your evening. Their cruel words hurt, as well as the shouting. They made your ears hurt, and their words were on a constant loop in your head. It was around 11 pm, and you had decided that today was the day you ended it all. You had managed to slip out of your room and head up to the roof without anyone noticing. While walking up the stairs, you heard nothing and saw no one: a good sign. You used your quirk to slip through the door. Your quirk made it to where anything you touched would make no noise, depending on how long you touched it. It had its purposes, particularly when you wanted to sneak out to visit Shoto. Late nights were ok until Mina started to insist on having dorm parties, then Mr. Aizawa banned it, probably tired of having to clean up the empty beer bottles and other items. Now, you really only saw Shoto when you snuck out, seeing that you were both very busy. But it wouldn't matter after tonight, seeing that you won't be here. You were greeted by a cool breeze upon opening the door. It felt nice, a bitter reminder that you are human. Walking to the roof's edge, you look down, where you would lay in a few moments. You put down the letter you wrote, the usual suicide note, under a jacket that Shoto had gotten you for your birthday. It was a warm fuzzy jacket that you loved, wearing practically every day. You knew that you would miss certain things, but the bad always outnumbered the good, and you were done. You stepped up to the edge, mere inches from falling. Looking one last time at UA, you leaned forward, eyes closed. Right before the freefall, you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist in a firm grip. You whip your head around, frightened of who had caught you about to jump. Oh God, you thought. If Mr. Aizawa catches me, he'll be disappointed and mad at me for sneaking out. You could feel another rush of panic coming your way until you saw who was holding you. It was Shoto, and when you looked into his eyes, you could see the panic and fear swirling around. A moment of guilt washed over you. Could he not see that you were doing this for him? He deserved much more than you could give, so why bother. You were just a burden to him and his life plans; he didn't have to say it for you to know. He pulled you from the edge, only setting you down when he was far away from the spot where you had almost ended it all. You could feel the tears roll down your cheeks. You were sure that no one followed you or even saw you head up to the roof. Once Shoto saw your frail body shake, tears falling while you sobbed into your hands, trying to muffle the sound of your crying, he picked you up and carried you back to his dorm. You were sure that everyone could hear your cries, a few even poking their heads into the hall to make sure everything was alright. The moment they saw you, shaking and obviously trying to cover up your sobs, they retreated back. Shoto could be very threatening at times, depending on what things his classmates were trying to do. One time Mineta was hitting on you in a very sexual way, but when Todoroki walked by, his left side was nearly in flames and you could see the anger in his dueled eyes. Mineta has never said a word about you or your body since that day. Shoto sat you down on his bed, only letting go when he moved to set a chair in front of you for him to sit in. He stared at you a few moments, clearly not sure how to handle this type of situation. Only when your sobs became soft whimpers, he spoke. " Baby, I know this is hard for you, but I need you to help me understand what's happening in that beautiful mind of yours, alright?" he said softly, eyes settling on his hands in his lap, only looking up when you nodded. "Were you trying to... end it?" voice cracking while he tried to not let his tough act falter. You looked at the floor, ashamed that you had even thought of such a thing. "I'm not judging you, I could never. I just want to make sure we're on the same page." You look into his blue and grey eyes, keeping eye contact. " I'm sorry, I just thought that if I ended it, I would be free and feel better," you say, breaking back down into a sobbing mess. Shoto moved to sit beside you wrapping his arms around you, comforting you. "Shh, it's ok, Love, I'm here," he cooed in your ear. He held you tight while you cried into his chest for what felt like hours. The occasional comforting words he said helped you calm down. When you finally stopped crying, Todoroki laid you and himself down onto his bed. You were worn out, only the adrenaline keeping you awake. Your head ached and your eyelids were drooping. You laid your head on Shoto's chest, listening to his heartbeat for what felt like ages, not that you were complaining. Shoto always knew the best ways to calm you down, whether it be a panic attack or waking up from a terrible nightmare, he always knew the right way to hold you while you recovered. After some time of laying with Shoto, you could just barely hear him muttering under his breath in the same manner Izuku does. "Baby, I love you so much. I know you're asleep and won't remember me saying any of this, but you mean so much to me. I've never had someone to call my own, so I'm never sure how to make you happy, but I understand if you need to leave me to get better. My father lectures me every time you're at my house because he says your a distraction to me and my training," Shoto says, you try to ignore how cold his voice goes when he talks about his father. "I just want you to know that his opinion will not change us, only you and I have a say in that. I will love you forever, even if you're not with me and off with some other guy, I'll still care for you," you look up at Shoto and feel his body tense at your sudden movement. "Oh, did I wake you, Baby?" Todoroki asks nonchalantly. "I was never asleep," you respond," I.. love you too. I don't want things to end between us, I was just thinking of how you deserve someone better than me." Shoto wraps his arms around your waist so his head is on your chest. " Thank you, Baby," Shoto says,"But you're all that I want. I don't want anyone but you," he said, staring into your eyes. "Is it alright if I sleep right here? You're just so comfy and-" you cut  him off, "Of course." Todoroki snuggles into your chest," Goodnight, Baby" he says while you play with his hair before the two of you fall asleep on each other.

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