Chapter 4 "The End of the Reich"

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While Erwin is in France trying to stir the Nation to her cause, Now we look back at Germany. Crumbling by its current revolts and Military action. "Damn, Deutschland has never looked like this Before," Guderian spoke in a bitter manner. "Yeah. Even in East Prussia as well... Ill send Kleist's 4th Panzer Division and maybe Colonel von Blucher's 12th Corps to go to North." Walter Model speaks to Guderian. "How can they withstand it, Model? They don't even form an entire Corps or even an army rather." Guderian argued. "Just you wait and see. They got artillery support." Model added. "Gentlemen!" Manstein entered in distress. "Manstein! Why are you here? You were supposed to give orders to the Generals!" Walter told Manstein. "Bad news, Berlin has fallen to the Rebels. And Berlin is besiged." "Scheisse! We will not risk capture." Guderian told everyone in the room.

France meanwhile... "France! Germany is now crumbling to its death! We shall fight aganist them once more! Viva la France!" has crowds cheer Viva la France! Grouchy was watching enjoying the moment. A plot begins to topple Riko's Empire. As Erwin rallies France to her cause, she managed to get a fighting force of 76,000 men against Kaisers home Guard of 75,000 that he can afford. He and Erwin battled at Dresden, then at Ulm by Ney's III Corps and Erich Roschelle's 9th Brigade. Then, Erwin raced down south fighting ther Germans at Hohenliden and also battling General Frederick and former Generals. She also battled at Nuremburg and it is called:  "Erwin's Masterpiece".

She restored France to her 1808 Borders before Disuniting Germany the following Year. The last remaining resistance and Generals commited suicide. Kaiser Ferdinand, after the fall of his regime, fled to Iceland. Now, Erwins Empire dominant and supreme of all, the Rhinebund reborn, Prussia now a minor power, and the French, a frontrunner. But how long, could it last?
Will the spell be broken for Erwin, and will she survive the horrors of European Politics. But there is a faction against her. However, Erwin changes her name to Riko von Bismarck.

===============End of Chapter==========

And boys, thats the 4th installment of "Erwins Diary". The next one is coming soon. 

and as always thank you for reading. And, see you on the next one.

- The Author

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