shopping trip

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Okay yall i actually like Anderlynn. At first i was like ummm no, but she really chill. She not as bad as i thought. " come on we have to go in this store!" She said dragging me into a charlottes rosé. " ight ight, damn don't pull my off." I said as we stepped into the store. " Anderlynn imma go see if they hoops." I told ha while i walked away.

' Where the hell are the earings in this bitch?' I thought to myself. Ha i found it! Theses are hella cut- " excuse me I think your in the wrong store." I heard a feminine voice say. Not this shit again. " no ma'am in the right store. Im not finna buy nun but my sister in law is." I said not turing around.  " sure she is. Where is she because i don't see anyone with you?" This bitch.

" listen bitch. I clearly walked in her with my sister in and i know you saw me cuz you was standing right by the door, im finna walk away and you not finna follow me." I said trying to walk away before the lady grabbed me arm.  " im going to have check your purse." She said " um no bitch you not checking shit. And don't fucking touch me." I snatch my arm out of her reach.  I walked away,

'this bitch is buggin.' I thought as i past Anderlynn. " Im out she really just profiled me . the bitch ask to check my bag. So im out i'll be outside." I told her walking to the door. " okay im right behind you." I heard her say also heard close hangers being dropped.

" i wanna go home." I said reaching the door and the fucking security man stopped me. " miss i've been asked to check your bag." He said. Unbelievable! " your not checking shit! I was in that store for three minutes before bein racially profiled and you finna ask to check my bag?! Ha!" I said walking away faster. " Ani wait up. You walk really fast when you mad." I heard Anderlynn say behind me.

"Mane fuck this mall. Racist as staff." I mumbled before tripping again. " fuck." I said as some on caught me. " princess you need to be more careful. Are you going to fall for me." Of fucking course it her! " ugh! My snap is at 'Lani_ la.bambina.marrone' now leave me alone." I said walking away i heard Anderlynn laughter stop and the question start.

" are you and Skyline Anderson actually together?"

" Ailani is it true that your mother kicked you out?"

" how dose it feel to be a CEO's daughter?"

" did you ever want a sister?"

" nope not to today." I mumbled walking in to the parking lot. I noticed there was a apple store across the lot. Perfect. Im going to call dad. " hello?" He answered "papà! i paparazzi mi stanno molestando. quindi puoi venirmi a prendere?" I said walking faster as some were following me. " where is Anderlynn?" He asked " man ion know i lost her in the crowd." I answered finally made it into the store. " where are you?" He asked as a car engine started. " in a apple store. I got mad at this racist lady in the mall so i left." I answered looking out the crowd oh shit its Anderlynn. " hold on imma call ya back." I hung up. Anderlynn walked in along with British girl.
" hey lynn" i smiled. "Hey you okay." She asked dropping some bags. " yeah im good." I said. " so um people are saying you and skyline are together.." She said nervously laughing. " i don't think its a bad thing people know your mine. Personally i think it a good thing." Skyline i guess said. " first of all im not yours second of all i didn't even know your name until know." I said with a lil attitude.

" well remember it  princess because you'll be screaming it soon." She said in het sexy ass accent. " i aint screamin shit." I said stepping up to her.

" what ever helps you sleep at night princess." She stepped up to me. She real tall. Im only 4'11 she like 5'10! " okay children lets be nice." Anderlynn said stepping between us. " I see Axton hasn't told her yet." Skyline said laughing. " what is this British bitch talkin bout?" I said pointing at her with my nails. " um ha um why don't we look into getting you a new phone. This one is so out dated."  Anderlynn said waving the worker over.

" nah ion need a phone i just need to go home." I said tapping my foot in anger. " hey are you okay. Like seriously are you okay?" Skyline asked putting a hand on my shoulder.

" kar a taba ni!" I said in Hausa pulling away from her. " na yi ma'amala da wata yar ass assar wariyar launin fata to sai a tursasa ku. BAYANAN ma'amala da wannan shit." I mumbled tapping my foot harder. I finally saw dads car. I quickly walked out of the store skyline following behind me. I opened the back and tell me why the bitch tried to help me in? " I got it." I said rudely stepping in the car. I closed the door but skyline opened it and closed it again. She went over to dads window. " remember our deal Axton. I want her to know everything by the time school starts."  She said walking away.

Anderlynn came out he store with her bags and a small apple bag. She got in the front next to dad. I just want to be in bed listening to khmeii!
The third chapter! Yes another early update!
Also i am not fluent in Hausa so i had my mom help me a lil bit... Anyways lete know how you liked it?

Quick fun facts:

Skyline is loosely based on my celebrity crush...

Anderlynn is actually my favorite character..

Ailani is not based on me or anyone i know.

Ailani's brothers are based on my older cousins.

And lastly Ailani's favorite music genre is rnb unlike skyline whom enjoys rap.

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