
526 14 59

2020 - Present time

Lin's POV

''Lin, someone's calling you.'' Groff called.

I ran up to my husband and he handed the phone to me.

''Thanks.'' I say, not glancing at him.

''Where's my hug?''

''Sorry honey, I gotta take this.'' I say, walking away from Jonathan and into our bathroom.

''Hi baby.'' I answer the phone.

''Hi honey.'' Pippa answers.

''I miss you.'' I smile.

''You saw me yesterday, babe.'' She giggles into the phone.

I smile widely. ''How is everything?''

''Sad.. I was alone last night.''

''Wasn't your husband there?''

''Yeah, but it's not the same when you're not there.'' She sighs.

"Well don't worry, I'll see you soon, right?" I whisper.

''You bet. Linny.'' She laughs and I chuckle.

''God, I can't wait to hold you again.''

''Same. I just called to say I love you, and that I had a great time yesterday.'' She says.

''I love you too-''

''Lin! Do you want to go out for dinner?'' My husband calls.

"Just a moment honey!" I call. "I've got to go, Jonathan is here. Call me later, okay?" I whisper under my breath.

"Alright, bye babe." Pippa replies, hanging up. I put on my poker face and walk out the door, just as I have so many times before.

Groff pops out of nowhere and kisses me, and I push him away. ''Uh?'' Jonathan murmurs.

"Sorry, I'm just not in the mood right now." I say calmly.

''You haven't been in the mood for the past 6 months.''

"Jon, I'm sorry I haven't been very intimate lately- I've had a lot on my plate"

''Like what? You're filming a movie. That's it! Can't even show love or affection towards your husband?''

"I'm sorry. I'll try harder, okay?" I assure him, a tad annoyed.

He tries to kiss me again, I pull back. ''Please, stop.''

He rolls his eyes and walks away.

I feel bad. I do. But I don't know what I'm supposed to do. He loves me. And I suppose I love him back. But at this point, I'm just questioning everything.

''Lin, I'm going out to a Chinese place, do you want to come?'' He sighs from the living room.

I walk into the living room, put my shoes and jacket on, and nod. ''I'll come.'' I smile.

He grins back happily, opening the door for me as we walk out into the cold New York air. The frosty breeze hits my face and I shiver. Groff sees and takes off his scarf, wrapping it gently around my neck.

"Here," he smiles, patting my back.

"Thanks." I respond kindly.

We walk into the Chinese restaurant, and a waiter motions our seats for us to sit. We set our jackets on the chairs, Jon pulling my chair out for me like a gentleman. I peer at the menu.

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