Plot:The drama "A Way to Hate You" is an adaptation of the webtoon of the same name. The story tells us about the life of a young man named Han Te Gang. He is a student. Studying at the Faculty of Animation. He is interested in anime, manga and video games. By nature, De Gang is an open person with a kind heart. Only people see him as insensitive and not sociable. So a girl named Oh Mi Ri could not refuse Dae Gang when she asked him for help.
And the essence of the request was that it was necessary to pretend to be her boyfriend. Ah yes, the girl hates Dae Gana. But how did the events develop that she turned to him for help? Oh Mi Ri has a crush on another boyfriend, Go Eun Tae, but cannot be with him because he is the boyfriend of her friend Lee Da Som. The path to happiness was not an easy one for Mi Ri. How will the guys solve this situation and can Mi Ri be with her beloved?
Viewing: 20 min
Series: 6 episodes
Year: 2019
Country: South Korea
Genre: Melodrama