iii. To believe or not to believe

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Silence, pin-drop silence

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Silence, pin-drop silence.
He squeezed his eyes shut, afraid of the older man's reaction.
"What do you mean Namjoon?" the other voiced out, confused.

How could he explain that?
"I'm well-" he took a breath before continuing, "This isn't my world, in my world we're still together."


Right, "BTS is still together, we're at the top of the world, we've gotten so many wins and we're family and- and now this?" his voice got weaker, reminiscent of their times together as a group- family.

Although the two oldest of the maknae line (the 95 liners) had been exclusively labelled as soulmates, if one thinks about it, all seven of them were meant to be, no matter what, they would always find their way back to each other; A comforting thought that had been running through Namjoon's mind, he would find them.

and then what?

A snap of fingers distracted him from getting too immersed in the idea, and for good too, overthinking is a dangerous thing.

"Well that sounds- questionable if you ask me, but I'm willing to listen if you want to talk, okay kid?"

The statement should've given him some sort of comfort, it really should have, shown the fact that he's willing to hear him out before labelling him as crazy, but it didn't. How could it when he didn't actually believe him? Nobody would believe him, who would believe some depressed kid who claims to have crossed worlds?

The sad thing is, he wouldn't believe himself either.

"You're zoning out again..."

"I can't do anything to convince you but you have to believe me, we've been to the Grammy's too!"

Surprised by the outburst, the older nodded, uncertainly at that, "uh-huh... how about you get some rest and then come back to talk after you feel better?"

What did he expect? South-Korean idols attending the Grammy's? Pffft, like anyone would believe that.

"Well could you at least tell me where they might be? I want to talk-"

"Who? Your ex (he flinched) members? Didn't you guys decide to mutually cut ties? That's what you told me..."

What reason could possibly be strong enough to cut ties with them? WHAT REASON--

"I can tell you're not feeling well Namjoon, take a nap and come to the studio when you feel better, alright? Pdogg will be waiting for you."

He pushed past the older, bitterness consuming his mind, leading him to hostilely bump shoulders with the other.

Closing the bedroom door, he groaned, collapsing on the floor just after locking it. This was bad, he didn't mean to be so rude! He would have to sincerely apologise next time he meets the other, which should be after he takes a nap, isn't that what he had said?

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