Chapter 3.

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Mike kept on following the dress material, until he ran into a door.

- C E L L A R -

The material led to inside the cellar. Mike pressed his ear against the door. Muffled sounds could be heard. He turned the handle of the door. It was locked. He used the tip of his sword to unlock the door, and crept in.

The must be a lot of spiders here.

He saw a silhouette with what looked like loose ends of a ripped shirt, with beautifully laced sleeves. Reluctantly, Mike took a step forward.

"Hello." A voice echoed. "My name is Skylar. I think you can call me Skye, if you want."

Mike jumped back from surprise. A young girl had called out to him with no hesitation, or fear as to who he was. The trail of fabric he had followed belonged to Skye, Mike's work partner in the future.
Skylar stood up.

"Now that you have unlocked this place, I can guide you around this ship. I successfully mapped out this place in my mind." Skye winked. "Pretty useful, amirite?"

Mike nodded.

"Now follow me... quietly."

Skylar tiptoed out the door, followed by Mike. The ship almost seemed abandoned, with no body around. Skylar lead Mike to the bow of the ship, still tiptoeing, and started to look around. Mike looked around as well.

"Well, well, well. Look who we have here!" A taunting voice appeared, seemingly out of nowhere. "Oh! She also has a boyfriend."

"Shut up, you snake."

Mike recognised the face which the voice belonged to. 


"Wait wha— how do you know my name!? What did you even—"

"Snarl, could you please follow us quietly? My name—"

"Why would a follow a weak little girl, and a little scoundrel playing knight?"

Mike giggled.

"Because my mind is from the future, and I can destroy yours!"

Snarl hesitated.

"Alright, ugh. Fine."

"Did you seriously just believe that?" Skylar asked in annoyance.

"Shut up."

Mike had Skylar and Snarl following him, like a mother duck and her ducklings. After a while, and one flight of stairs, they stopped at a door.

"The... Chamber of the Dead!? How....?"

"Yikes! Something weird just happened in my mind! Almost like I remembered this for no reason... and decided to come here."

Mike did not realise the heft of this memory at that moment. His mind shut off and automatically went towards this place. Through another flash, he remembered something else about the place.


"Mum? Mike, your mum's in there!?"

Mike didn't respond. He took slow steps towards the chamber door.

"Wait. How do you even know this? I mean, you just lead us here, and then you say your mum's in there?"

"See Skye? Mike's mind is from the future!"

Mike ignored the back and forth Skylar and Snarl had, and pushed the door open. He saw piles upon piles of skeletons and bones, filled all the way to each corner of the room. At the very front of the room was chains and cuffs, along with whips and pliers, seemingly there available for torturing people who wouldn't listen. Next to those were lifeless bodies, still fresh from death. Pools of blood covered the ground, and some clotted to the skin of the corpses. Among them, was a lady with medium length brown, wavy hair. Although the dress had been torn off, and the face was mangled with blood, to Mike, it was very clear who it was.


With tears in his eyes, Mike's breakfast and lunch came flying out. No matter how many times he had seen dead bodies, nothing could compare to this sight.

No, Mike thought. I do not want to see this.

He ran out the door, making sure to slam it behind him, pushing passed both Skylar and Snarl.

I can't.

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