O. simp ❝ what about how I feel? ❞
sevyn davison figures
out who she is while
her new environment
says otherwise
made by -CRISYVI
march 2020, february 2020
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Parents, they're complicated humans. Who even came up with the idea of parents? The idea of parents is controlling and selfish, they birth someone into the world and have to pay for them to eat,sleep and drink.
Controlling, its controlling because who wants to be born and then controlled until your eighteen. My parents you ask? Well parent, as in singular I don't know who my dad is and my mom, well she's okay.
"Peach, come downstairs I need to talk to you" Christene yelled from downstairs, Christene Davison a hard-working lawyer. Her dream was to own her law firm and it was finally coming true.
"Coming mom" sevyn yelled back, running down the stairs. Once the girl reached the bottom of the stairs she looked at her mother's uneasy face.
"Are you okay?" Sevyn questioned her mother, she had never seen her mother look so...unsure? about anything ever.
"Yeah, yeah come sit" Christene took a deep breath after she released the breath calming herself down.
"Uh okay?" Sevyn sat down next to her mother on the two seating couch facing the fireplace and the tv.
"So, you know how I met a man when I went to Los Angeles for my business meeting a few months back right?"
"Mhm, keep going" sevyn mumbled looking at her mom intently.
"So we're moving to Los Angeles" Christene bluntly said "no" sevyn mumbled.
"No? What do you mean no?" Christene sighed "I mean no, I don't want to move so I'm not" sevyn rolled her eyes as she headed to her room.
You know how I said my mom was okay? she's not, she's hypocritical and does anything for a man, that woman who gave birth to me, she's evil she has so many opinions and ignored everyone else's..