Henry looked me in the eye."I trust you.""Well I hope so too, I trust you too."He gave me a loving kiss and took my hand firmly in his. Then we made our way back to my grandparents' house."We are back. We then take our suitcases and go to bed. When should we be finished tomorrow? "My grandma came out of the kitchen."At 7 o'clock in the morning. Then you can do a lap in the light and you can show him everything. Benjamin will give you a few tasks. "She kissed us both on the cheek and let us out of the house."Come on!" Shouted Henry."We have to go back there." I pointed to a small house, almost next to my grandparents'."Looks cute. Is sure to be very comfortable inside ""It is. And we also have a large bed. "I opened the door and turned on the light. "It still looks like it did when I was a kid.""I thought you were here recently.""I was too. I just mean, nothing has changed, even if I was constantly here. "We put down the heavy suitcases and put on something comfortable and then fell straight into bed. The bed creaked very loudly and we both laughed out loud.I looked over at him and Henry looked at me."I love you." I said softly, but he could still understand me.He propped up his head and looked at me."I'm so happy to be here with you."said Henry, resting his head on my shoulder. I turned in his direction and pulled up the covers."Thank you for coming with me. It will be a nice break for sure. "He put an arm around me and pulled me closer to him. Arm in arm we slept deeply and firmly until the rooster woke us.
the boyfriend
RomanceHenry gets to know someone special. Accompany them on their particularly complicated journey.