Chapter 4

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You went out again to do some shopping for the cook, walking across the market square you went towards the butcher. Before you got there however you ran into your brother once again.

"(y/n)" he said. "Good to see you again"

You rolled your eyes. "Brother" you said. "I have been warned to keep away from you". You poked him.

"By who"

"my employer"

"I warn you against him" your brother said.

"Robin I work for him" you said. "He seems to favour me"

"Your skrewed" he said and laughed.

You rolled your eyes. "get an honest job" you said

"You know me sis" he said and flashed you a smile. "Never"

You walked towards the butchers but you fekt your arm being held.

Robin stopped you "be careful. I don't know who you work for, however keep away from he sherrif. He is the reason for our hardships".

"okay" you said. Robin let go and you walked away.

"You are always welcome in our band of merry men!" he said after you.

"get a job!" you shout after him.

You get back to the castle and give the cook the ingredients. Going back to your rooms you sighed and thought. You never found out how your father died or who your father was marrying you off to. You half wanted to discover it and half wanted to leave well alone. Maybe Robin knew something about it. Or maybe you could ask the Sheriff. She sheriff would probably know about the death and not the marriage. You half missed the freedoms of being the daughter of a noble. You could wear beautiful dresses and know you where safe. However you hated feeling above people.

You headed a nock and you opened the door. The Sheriff stood there, his arm leaning on the door frame and he looked down at you.

"You went out again" he said as he walked in and sat down on your bed.

"So I did" you said.

"Did you see your dearest brother?"

"Yes" you said

"and? What did he say?"

"Nothing." the Sheriff gave you a look and you sighed. "all he said was keep away from you."

"Me?" he asked.


"May I ask you a question?" you ask.

"Go on"

"How did my father die?"

The Sheriff frowned. "It was a fire" he said "we belive it started in the kitchens. It burnt rapidly. Your father was sleeping at the time"

You sniffed and the tears started to fall. "I'm sorry" you whispered, wiping your eyes. You rubbed your eyes as you felt two arms wrap around you. The Sheriff hugged you, stroking your back with his hand. He kissed your head.

"There there" he said.

"I wondered if I could ask another question" you said.

"Go on"

"I ran away because I was betrothed to someone." you said. "Who was it?"

The Sheriff sighed. "It was me"

"Wait seriously?" you asked.

"Yes" he said.

"It doesn't seem so bad anymore"


"going through with the marriage" you said. "You are a kins man and you care for me"

"I do" he said "You deserve more than serving me" he took your chin and looked in your eyes. "You are a noble woman." he whispered "a beautiful flower who has been trod many times. But no more". He kissed you, his hand on your chin.

You sat on the bed and the Sheriff gently pushed you down onto the bed. You laid flat as the Sheriff smiled down at you. He put his knee between your legs and kissed you, deeper this time.

"I want to make you mine" he whispered in your ear. "I want to furfill the promise I made to your father."

This is what you had been running from, for all your life, marriage, yet now it is happening it doesn't seem as bad as you thought.

"Yes" You said. "I accept"

The Sheriff kissed you, running his fingers through your hair. "I'm glad" he mumbled through kisses.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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