Part two.

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"Nope, I'm not coming."

"But why Iwa-chan? It's gonna be fun, I promise."

"It's a party, and I hate parties."

Oikawa huffed and rested his chin heavily on his hand, mumbling, "Such an uninteresting cretin."

"What?" Iwaizumi glowered.


The two fell into silence, books open in front of them, sitting parallel to each other in the comfort of Iwaizumi's home on a mundane weekend.

"Maybe I'll invite Mattsun and Makki, yeah? They're a lot more fun." He cheekily nudged the edge of his pen against his lower lip.

"Oi, don't do something stupid, Shittykawa." This earned a whine from the brunette.

Another pause and Oikawa went serious, "Hey, Iwa-chan, do you think Makki is really okay?"


"I mean, you saw the blood on his sweater the other day right? During lunch. And earlier, Mattsun said he ran out in the middle of his test looking pale and sweaty, despite saying that he only felt cold and just had the urge to throw up."

Iwaizumi took a long measured look at Oikawa, configuring what he'd just said, "What do you think it is?"

"It's obviously," started Oikawa, slowly standing up from the carpeted floor before stretching his arms out, pointing his fingers outwards, "Cancer."

Iwaizumi chucked an empty bottle at Oikawa's head, aiming it right so that the hard surface of the top bonked him on the forehead. The funny sounding thud made him giggle.

"Mean, Iwa-chan!" He retorted and sat down, rubbing his head.

"Well, you started it."


"Yes, you went ahead and said something dumb." Iwaizumi leaned across the table in front of them and rubbed the little bump on Oikawa's forehead; the other stilled.

"Pain, pain go away." Mumbled Iwaizumi, eyes flickering between Oikawa's brown eyes and his forehead.

Oikawa looked widely at his best friend, the tears at the edge of his eyes disappearing at the familiar tune which tugged at a distant memory clouded with childhood innocence and summer sweetness, "You said you hated that song."

"Well, if it makes you feel better, dumbass," said Iwaizumi, fighting back a smirk, "Pain pain go away."

The two fell back into a comfortable study session, all thoughts on the pink-haired boy ceased in the company of each other.


"Mattsun, c'mon have some fun. You look stiff as a board!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

Hanamaki could barely hear the conversation between the euphoric brunette and the boy beside him - who was looking ravenous, he first observed - over the bass-boosted music.

Why Oikawa would ever think that a party on weekdays was a good idea was a question he'll never get an answer for. The wild brunette was already bopping to the music with a red cup to his mouth.

Well, wouldn't hurt just to let loose for a while.

"You look stunning."

Hanamaki looked at Matsukawa, who was grinning down at him, he noticed that the other had a similar red cup in his hands, leaving the pink-haired boy the odd one out.

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