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Kehlani's POV

This mothafucker kissed me on Christmas Day under the mistletoe and on New Years when the ball dropped. That don't mean nothing does it, she kissed me 3 times, but they were all pecks. Does that mean they are friendly and mean nothing.

*After overthinking and going back forth with myself*

Alright I have some reason to believe that Meg has some type of feelings for me. I don't know exactly kind they are, but I'm finna shoot my shot. The only downside to this plan is, I have no clue what I'm going to do for this date. I think that I'm going to keep it simple, I mean we've known each other for almost 3 years now.

I got the perfect idea.


Megan's POV

I don't know if she just don't like me or she slow as hell. Like I always knew that she was slow but I didn't know that she was this slow. I done kissed this woman 3 times, we basically live together, we sleep in the same bed, and we practically share a child together.

I was cut out of my thoughts by the first door closing.

"Baelani is that you?" I yelled out.

"Yeah it's me. What room you in?" She yelled back to me.

"The room," I told her.

She came in with some chocolate and a card. She looked nervous.

"Why do you look nervous. Oh god, what did you do? Is this some type of apology gift or something?" I said cause this wouldn't be the first apology gift.

Little story time, their car was in the shop and she needed to borrow mine for work. I didn't have anything to do that day, so I let them use it. I told them before I gave them the keys, that if she get a single scratch on my car. I would beat their ass. Hours later, she comes back with some flowers and some shoes that she knew I wanted, then she dropped that she side swiped another car and knocked off my side mirror. Then, she brought me my dream car, a Blue Range Rover the next day.

"No this is not an apology gift and no I didn't do anything bad. Can you please just open the card." She looking down and twiddling their thumbs.

I opened the card,

Dear Megan,

I have had these very strong feelings for you for a year now and I was hoping that you would go on a date with me. Just know if you decline the offer you get the fuck out my house. I'm just playing. But if you feeling the slightest bit of the same way, then say yes.

Love, Kehlani

"Oh umm, I'm sorry but I don't feel the same way." I told them and when I tell you she looked so crushed. I need to stop playing all my damn life.

"Oh well, it's okay. I'll just go see what Adeya doing," she turned to walk out.

"Baelani, wait" she turned back to me and she looked like she was on the break of crying. Now I feel bad.

"I'm just playing, I feel the same way, I'm so sorry baby. I would love to do on a date with you." I stepped forward and she stepped back.

"See you play too damn much, ion even know if I want to date yo ass nomo," she looked like she was deadass until she couldn't stop herself from smiling.

"Come on Baelani, where we going for this date and when is it." I grabbed their hand and pulled them to the bed so she could lay with me.

"I'm not telling you, it's a surprise and I got everything planned so all you need to do is pick an outfit. It's this Saturday night and wear something comfortable and you could move in. Actually, we could go to the mall together and get something to match." She was on top of me, I could feel the excitement coming off her.

"I can't wait babe," I kissed their forehead, we laid there for like 5 minutes.

"Now let me go get my baby because I haven't seen her in forever." She got up and walked out.

I can't wait for this date, I feel like I been waiting my whole life for this. Kehlani is the perfect person, she is the most caring, loving, supportable, and funniest person you could have. I don't think I could ask for anything better.

I fell asleep thinking of all the thoughts in my head. I slight woke up to someone climbing in the bed with me, I knew it was Kehlani but the body frame.

She kissed my forehead, "Goodnight, love" and rested her head on my chest.

Don't say I never gave you nothing ✌🏾 naw I'm just playing, Thanks for the support, Loves


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