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Monday Night/Late May

"I think our best bet would be for Arion, Owen, and Alyssa to stay here, lock everything up and to get some sleep. One of us will guard the building while the other two go hunt them down. They won't be far, and they might even be watching us, so we need to be as careful and stealthy as possible." Kelsie said, Bee had already started gathering their supplies that they always take on missions, including their weapons, and their binds to capture the mercenaries. 

After securing the room, Alyssa went to bed, leaving Arion and Owen to be together for a moment. Arion decided to prepare some soup since they had picked up the ingredients before getting home earlier. They glanced over to Owen, who was drifting in and out of consciousness, the exhaustion having caught up to him once again. Arion took a small bowl of soup to Owen, and brought one for themself as well. Owen gazed up at Arion with a drowsy smile, gratefully taking the bowl and spoon. Arion kissed his forehead and sat next to him, quietly appreciating the moment alone with him. 

Ellie was shifted into her wolf form, patiently waiting outside of the suite for any suspicious movement. Her senses were multiplied compared to being fully human. She watched, being wary of any slight flicker. Kelsie and Bee had recently left the suite, dawned in civilian clothing. Their bags filled to the brim with supplies, yet simply appearing like tourist luggage. They had a miniature tracker with them, its sights set on the location that the targets were last seen. The sirens were expecting to find them one at a time, so capturing and questioning would be more efficient, but the possibility of being ambushed or finding them all at once was high. The main plan was to secure the area first, then call Ellie over, and then watch before attacking. 

The first part always seemed like it was the most nerve-wracking. The path there was brief but awfully uneasy. These were the most dangerous targets that they have ever gone against. Kelsie and Bee split off around different sides of the building they were last witnessed at, a common nightclub slightly down the street from the suite. Kelsie surveyed one side, peeking through broken windows. Red and purple flashing lights shined, accompanied by a drowning flood of bass heavy songs. A crowd of wasted hybrids flowed together, each shouting slurred lyrics.

On the other side of the building, Bee had encountered some hybrids who were just coming out of the building. They were oblivious to Bee being there because they were only focused on each other as they made out. Bee had frozen, deciding that they had to act drunk as well to get past the lovers. Bee stopped walking straight, slightly swaying with each step, keeping their head down. 

As they opened the door that the couple had wandered out of, one of them spoke to the assassin. "Hey...don't there...ya hear" The older man said, breaking his kiss to point at Bee. Without hesitation, Bee picked up a bottle off the ground and swung at the man, knowing his reaction would be too late. The siren knocked him out and pushed him up against the building. His lover stood in awe, she held her hands out, motioning Bee not to hurt her. "Thank you, I was only doing that with him because I thought he would hurt me, I don't even know him." She explained, dusting herself off, eyes still stuck on the man. "Go get yourself home, I'll deal with him. Take care." Bee replied, waiting for her to leave, then they tied up the guy.

Kelsie was scanning the room through the broken window, the music seemed like it was only getting louder the longer she waited. She had seen so many false alarms so far, this must have been a popular hangout for dragon hybrids because they all looked so similar, especially in the club scenery. She spotted a tall lady coming out of the bathroom, she appeared to have scars across her arms and face, and she was carrying a hefty tote bag. Kelsie looked away for a second, and she was gone, the lights were changing and the bass amplified, she lost her target in the crowd. Two boys strode out of the room opposite of the bathroom and went in the same direction as the other girl, Kelsie knew it must be them. As she was about to go alert Bee, Kelsie heard the music change once more, this time loud enough to cause her to begin shaking. She couldn't move, it hurt. The bass seemed as if it was crushing her, more and more as the song went on. She started crying, upset at the pain, and that she had just now lost the targets.

Bee opened the door once she finished tying up the guy. They entered the club slowly, making sure that no one was around the corners. They went through a hallway connected to a metal door, probably an employee-only entrance. Bee peeped through the glass in the door, barely enough to stay hidden. They spotted a round table near the dance floor with five people sitting at it. A titan hybrid, 3 dragon hybrids, and a siren. The dragons were playing cards while the siren and the titan were negotiating something. Bee snapped a picture, notified Ellie, and went back to get Kelsie. 

At the suite doors, Ellie sat patiently. She hadn't seen any movement since the other assassins left. Her phone buzzed quietly in the bag next to her. She dragged it inside and changed into human form once she got into an enclosed area. She read the messages and gathered her luggage before she headed out to help her friends. She texted the others in the suite to let them know that the targets had been spotted. Arion texted back immediately.

'Good luck :)'

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