"Mommy!" I said. "Baby! Be careful!" My mom said. "I will mommy!" I said and slide down the slide. "Justin!" My mother called. "Bro!" I shouted running towards him.
"Oh Justin." My mom cried and sent him to the hospital. "Big bro.." I cried. "Hayden..." Justin whispered. "Bro!" I said. "I'm fine... Where am I?" Justin asked. "You're at the hospital." I replied.
-End flashback
Tears started strolling down my face. "Justin fell off the merry-go-round and hit his head?" Harry asked. "Yea.." I sobbed. Harry wrapped his arm around me. "Hey.. Hayden.. It's in the past.." Harry comforted me.
"I can't forget it..."
"Ok.. Lets continue." I said.
"You're always coming back late!" My mother shouted. I peaked through the door, Justin and Cassie were sleeping. "Who wants to see an old hag!" My father shouted. "If I was an old hag, why would you want to marry me!?" My mother shouted back.
"I was blind!" My father said. "I guess I was blind too!" My mother said then my father slapped her. I gasped. I turn around.
Justin woke up. "Hayden?" Justin asked. I ran into Justin's arms and cried. "Baby, what's wrong?" Justin asked. "Mommy and daddy are fighting again.." I sobbed into Justin's arms.
Justin said comforting words that drift me off to sleep.
-End flashback
I cried harder. Harry still had his arms wrapped around me. "I guess I know what to do from here." Harry said. Why do I have this feeling... Why do I feel sercure with him... Snap outta it Hayden!