Chapter Thirteen

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Daniella's POV
To say I didn't understand what was happening would be an understatement. The man that had hugged Harper, shouted and did some hand movements to the other men, and soon they were helping Julian and Colton up from the ground.

I stayed where I was. I wasn't going to make any move before I knew it was safe to. The man started talking with Josiah and Harper. They talked for almost ten minutes, building my suspense even more. Right as the conversation finished the man started glancing around.

It wasn't long before he glanced in my direction, which made me panic and aggressively duck down and fall on my butt. I landed on something hard, making my position even more uncomfortable. I readjusted myself and found I had sat straight on the rifle that Josiah had given Grayson.

I stare at it, contemplating my stupidity of not seeing it beforehand or even seeing Grayson put there. I grasp it in my hand and check if it's loaded just in case. I was finding myself reverting to how I had been before without Julian. I was feeling more like it was me against everyone else, rather than us.

I slowly peeled my head up into the window, seeing a group of guys heading this way. My brain had a slight freeze and I didn't move at all. Up until I snapped myself out of it and stumbled towards the back of the barn in the stables area.

I pushed myself into the corner of a stable behind the water trough. I held my breath almost as if I had breathed the whole world would hear it. There was some mumbling coming closer every second. Instinctively I closed my eyes tightly shut, terrified of what was going to happen.

"There's no one in here," one of the guys says letting out an aggravated sigh. They hadn't even searched the whole place they were just giving up. The footsteps that once were so close slowly disappeared. I let out a long breath of air.

My heartbeat slowed to a normal pace and my chest moved up and down how it's supposed to. Afraid that if I stood with my shaky legs I would fall flat on my face, I slowly crawled. The strap of the rifle around my neck and arm, the rifle itself resting on my back.

I made it back to the window, peeking through it. I could hear faint shouts and I could see the men standing there talking to the group that had formed. Soon I spotted who was shouting, Grayson was pointing towards the barn and shouting at the men.

Josiah was trying to get him to calm down, or at least it looked like that. Julian soon joined the shouting, and now Colton was trying to get him to calm down. My mind was trying to understand the whole situation but it was just a lot to process. I wasn't sure if they were in danger or if they were safe and these people wouldn't hurt them.

I felt like my mind might explode from just attempting to know what's happening. I slowly moved away from the window sliding down the wall and sitting there. I closed my eyes trying to just block everything out. Trying to focus on something else so I wouldn't scream in frustration.

Slowly I was able to block everything else out. One memory floated in my head. One memory that was quite fresh and recent.

We had been laughing about the stupid ceiling. Pointing out different animals and objects we say in the paints swirls. I had only intended to glance at him, but instead, I looked straight into his blue eyes. Everything went silent. I had only known him for a while. But when I was with him at this moment I had never felt the way I did then.

I'm assuming he felt the same way because as we laid on the ground and stared at each other we stayed quiet. And slowly he leaned in, and so did I. Our foreheads and noses touched first. Then our lips. It only lasted around 2 seconds before we pulled away eyes wide.

Then it was only a whisper but it was much louder in my head now.

"Goodnight Daniella," Grayson softly said brushing the hair in front of my face away with his hand. My eyes were no longer wide, they felt tired and slowly I fell asleep.

I opened my eyes, feeling calmer, and prepared for anything. I still didn't understand the situation but I didn't need to. I just need to be able to take control and not panic. I looked through the window and looking at what was happening made my calmness completely disappear.

The main dude was walking with Josiah, Harper, and Grayson towards the car he came in. And the other men were following him. Julian and Colton were standing there watching as the family got into the car with the mysterious man.

No one did anything to fight against them or stop them from leaving and soon the car drove away. I was frozen in place not being able to take anything that just happened in.

Julian and Colton start walking over here, looking like they were arguing about something. I finally start walking towards the door out of the barn. Right as I open it Julian and Colton stand there.

Julian lets out a released sigh and pulls me into a hug. "The guys that checked here said you weren't in here so we all thought that you went out into the woods or something," he says, still hugging me.

"I just was hiding in the stables area. I didn't know if they were trouble or not. I don't even understand what happened," I explain all of it coming out faster than I had intended. Julian pulls away, keeping his hands on my shoulder.

"I can explain after we head inside and make sure the kids and everyone else are," Julian starts leading us to the house the kids went into earlier. Once we enter Colton starts leading and pulls a rug up and reveals a small kind of homemade-looking hatch on the floor.

He does a knock on the hatch and soon it opens with Scarlet holding a gun. She quickly lowers it realizing it was just us.

"The people left, turns out it was Hunter," Colton says sounding slightly annoyed, "Harper, Grayson, and Josiah left with him. So now it's just us."

"Whose Hunter?" I speak up growing frustrated with not knowing anything about the situation that had just occurred.

Scarlet looks at me probably sensing the frustration coming off of me. "Hunter is Harper's husband, and to be straight about it he's simply just the reason we're all in this mess."

I was still slightly confused but at least I understand why Grayson left with them. But I didn't know how he could be the one who put us in this mess. Or even what "this mess" referred to.

Before I could ask any more questions everyone seemed to have something to do. Scarlet was busy with the kids coming out of the hatch and Colton and Julian was in a deep conversation. After everything was settled we headed outside, and then again it seemed like everyone knew what to do except me.

They were all heading in different directions and I was just standing there like a misfit. Julian was with Colton all the time now. The kids all stuck together with Aria and Scarlet. And Harper would usually be with either Scarlet or Josiah. Usually, I would be with Grayson.

I frowned at the thought of Grayson leaving. He had truly been the only one to talk to me (other than Julian). I sighed staring at the snow-covered ground, wondering how things could change so fast. One day Julian and I were just out hunting and doing our everyday thing, and the next our whole way was changed.

And the worst part is I don't even feel like I'm in the picture anymore. After everyone dispersed I headed for me and Grayson's room. Correction, my room. I walked up the stairs and opened the door, closing it right after I took my first step in.

Grayson hadn't even taken any of his stuff. I wandered over to his area of the room. He had a backpack similar to mine and a few things of his on an old worn-out dresser. I stood in the room for a while.

Right as I was about to settle down and sit, a small voice came from the now opened door. I glanced up seeing Ella.

"Can I sit in here with you?" She asks quietly. I nodded my head and sat down parting the spot next to me. "The boys are busy doing boy work and I don't like cooking with Scarlet and Aria. And I saw that you came in here."

I smiled, "Well I'm glad you came, I was getting a little lonely." She leans her head against my shoulder, and I notice that she's holding Mr. Dino. I opened my mouth to say something, but a loud bang came from outside.

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