The interaction

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Go follow Lily_da_llama they helped me a lot writing this so go show them some love ❤️

\\3rd person pov//
It was around 3:05 pm, and Knoxx404 was bored.identifying with she/they pronouns and having a star occupation of staring at the wall, doing nothing. That was until her phone lit up with a notification.

//"Oop4g is know live"//

the twitch alert brightened the dimmed room yet instedtitly brightening Knoxx's mood.

// A delightful expression evident on her face, Knoxx was relieved that they would have something else to do

// "Finally!" She exclaimed in relief. Swiping on the notification Knoxx unlocked their phone ready to watch Oop4g's stream.

~a while later~

"God! I love her art so much! Such an ispiration" Knoxx thought

// After a while watching oop's stream they thought of something.

// 'She might have a discord!' Happily typing in chat she asked if one of existed.Knoxx waited anxiously as Oop continued with her stream talking, until Oop had glanced at the chat.

// "YES! Knoxx, I'm glad you asked!! I do have a discord that NightBot will dm you

'NightBot?' Knoxx was confused, not knowing who this person was. Then her phone screen changed,showing a dm from NightBot with the discord link.

// And at that very moment Knoxx knew that NightBot would be the bone to her zone

yes oop4g if you are reading I was not joking anyway I hope you liked this fanfic

Knoxx404 x NightBotWhere stories live. Discover now