《Aizawa X Cat Reader》

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||Hey guys, quick talk here, this was requested by BlueChizu! I am actually lowkey excited about this so I hope you enjoy! Request for more!||

Setting: You've known each other since UA and have been dating since the end of that year, you both finally found the time to go on a proper date until something goes wrong... As usual.

Your Quirk: You are able to transform into a cat of any type, big and small, the only problem that comes along with it is mood swings, loss of focus, and laziness, not to mention the times you occasionally spit up hair here and there-

Hand in hand, you gently swung the two, you were excited, very excited. You finally were going on a date with the one you love! Aizawa Shota. You squeezed your hand a little around his, making him chuckle.

"Excited are we?" He would gently tease. You smile at him and nod, "Of course I am! It's been so long since we had some time to ourselves to just.. Hold hands and go out to dinner!" This made Aizawa smile a little and nod, "You're right.. It's been a little crazy since villians have just been coming out of nowhere lately."

You frowned a little at the scary thought and you nodded, "Its been hectic, it's hard to be yourself nowadays." You say quietly. He looked at you and sighs, squeezing your hand, "Don't worry to much about it, (Y/N), I'm sure everything will be fine soon." You looked at him, "I hope you're right, Shota.." He nods in agreement, "I hope I am too."

You both move away from the topic and instead start talking about Shinso and Eri... Minutes later.

"Hey! Here we are!" You pointed at the restaurant. Aizawa looked at the restaurant then to you, then shook his head, "Why did I know you'd pick a seafood restaurant?" You gave him the stink eye then laughed, "You can't blame me! Its good food! Now c'mon! I'm starving." You dragged him in and found a seat quickly.

It was a lovely night... You both had sat by the window showing the beautiful ocean, the stars gleamed brightly as the moon had shined a little trail through the ocean waves, the lights hung on the restaurant's roof had shown more around the area of the dock, you felt your heart flutter with delight at the sight...

You felt a hand on yours, making you break out of your trans, you looked at the man infront of you and saw him staring at you. You then realized that he was trying to get your attention because the waiter arrived. You quickly ordered and watched as he walked off, then turned back to Aizawa, smiling sheepishly. You both had made small talk of your future plans, your hands connected the whole time. Just as if this night couldn't get any better...

A loud explosion erupts from the ocean.

You stood up immediately, feeling the whole restaurant tremble, causing people to scream and run for the exit. You quickly looked at Aizawa who had the look of a dead fish, dead inside.

He sighs and nods at you to follow and quickly gets out of the restaurant. "Wonder what it is this time.." he grumbles as he went towards the docks.

It was soon revealed that this man who was causing the ruckus and destruction was revealed to be an octopus man. This was NOT helping your hunger.

The octopus man made his villainous speech that neither you nor Aizawa really cared about, once he took notice, he grew angered and attacked the both of you.

You using your abilities wisely, you turned into a cheetah to move quickly while Aizawa tried to hold him back with his scarf. The villian struggled for awhile, recieving physical attacks from you mostly. It was wrong move that costed you your conscious.

You were turning into a lion when the sudden strike of a tentacle got you right in the head, making you fling into the air and land on the ground hard, knocking you out cold...

Hours later...

You awoke feeling the sharp pain in the side of your head, making you groan in pain, you heard the soft voice of your lover say to you, "Don't move too much, just rest.. I'm here for you, so relax." You then realized you felt someone hugging you from behind and the fact that you were in a sleeping bag, you smiled softly, feeling an ice pack placed on your head, knowing you were safe, you closed your eyes and fell asleep, being spooned by the man behind you.

《《 Finally done holy moly that took so long. TwT I'm sorry it took so long but enjoy, have a good day or night! Cya around. 💙💜🖤 》》

¤Total of words: 811.¤

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