《Obey Me!》 Mammon X Shy Reader

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《It's Mammoneyyyyy Shark_Boi_Kiripima. Mammoneeeeyyyy!

  After spending time at the Lamentation House, it was only natural that you befriended everyone there.

  Lucifer was always the one to keep you on your toes with your work studies and tasks. He's lost a bit of your trust because of well... Reasons.

  Mammon was your Grimm greedy friend, your best friend at that. He was always fun to be around and always made you laugh.

  Leviathan was your hermit of a friend, but he was a relatable guy. Who wouldn't wanna sit around all day playing games, watching anime and fawning over cute anime characters?

  Satan, you worried about getting on his bad side, but other than that, he was someone you genuinely enjoyed having quiet time with.

  Asmodeus was someone you had to keep a good distance when alone in a room together, don't get me wrong, he's your friend and all, but he was rather... Touchy. You enjoyed him, nonetheless.

  Beelzebub was someone you would go to when you needed comfort or just someone to listen to you overall. He was sweet but rather gluttonous, but he knew how to take care of himself, he was rather admirable.

  Then there was Belphegor, a sleepy one, you merely met him through the attic of where he was trapped. You got along with him well.

  But, out of all the men you could fall in love with... Why was it with him? Don't get me wrong, the heart wants what the heart wants, but, it was your best friend of all people! That's right, the man you were head-over-heels in love with was the Grimm greedy man himself, Mammon.

  Truth be told, he liked you too, but you were rather dense about the situation. He always flirted with you, he always tried to be so close to you, he always tried to make you laugh, hell he even tried to buy you something, with his own Grimm! He had a big thing for you, and you were only now realizing.

  You could only facepalm to yourself, now you were sitting next to him at the dinner table, mind in a frenzy as you were trying to calmly eat dinner. The boys had their usual bickering as you, Satan and Lucifer seemed to be the only ones eating normally.

  You felt an arm snake around your shoulders, Mammon smirking at Asmodeus, as they were having their annual bicker session over you and Asmodeus looked rather jealous. You felt your face grow bright red when Mammon asked, "(Y/N)! I'm your favorite, right?!" Asmodeus cuts in, "No you're not! I'm their favorite!" You were to embarrassed to say anything as the two kept going at each other. Lucifer finally snapped at the two, "That's enough you two, we're eating."

  Mammon and Asmodeus pouted but went back to dinner, Satan chuckling, "I found it rather entertaining." Lucifer frowned, "Of course you would."

  Dinner comes to an end and you head to your bedroom, only to be stopped by Mammon who followed after you. "Hey, (Y/N) can I stay in your room? So uh- we can watch some TV?" You smile lightly and nod, "Sure! Why not?"

  For a couple hours you both sat together, bingeing on some old TV shows, enjoying each other's company. You soon felt Mammon get closer to you, snaking an arm around you, making you blush, gently resting your head on his shoulder, making him blush too.

  Maybe, just maybe, confessing would be a little easier.

"Hey... Mammon?" You say shyly. Mammon looks down at you, "Y-yeah?" He stutters. "I... I like y-you.. A lot. M-more than a friend." You add. Mammon's face went red as he looked to the side, "Well.. I may like you too, i-idiot." You giggle, smiling, making smile a little too, chuckling.

  The rest of the night was spent in each other's company, cuddling away and watching some stupid TV shows that didn't even make sense.

     The End~

Amount of words: 667, words after this do not count!

Published: May 1st, 2021

《Various x Reader》[Discontinued.]Where stories live. Discover now