<when reader-san pregnant>

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Yes,this escalated so fast....you're mother now.
Requested by @_sculpted
Still,my hand is itching to write something......
Vacation and rest not needed for me😂😂


<<Cutthroat >>

-freeze for a long time
-"I'm sorry for keep forgetting buy a pill......but is that mean that you have smaller version of me??"he ask it playfully
-when you say yes he kinda excited
-"YAAYYY.....F/N gonna be a motherrr~~....should I start call you mom?"
-get more protective (he already are....but it's evolving)
-he gonna train his child to become a skilled murderer

<<Courier >>

-his face like 😐
-"are you sure??"
-but when you explain it all he kinda confused and happy at the same time
-"thank you.........I ........just forget it" he said it while hug you
-it was an unexpected moment but he promise he gonna keep you and the unborn child safe from now and then
-prepare for the courier and the little one😆


-"we can fight??"
-he kinda disappointed because you cannot fight him
-he's fine with children because he can show it off to his brother
-"you know brother......I'm a father right now....my child gonna be sentenced for a long time more than you"(😂😂)
-he gonna try his best to take care of you and the unborn child


-"listen to me......I always reminding you to drink the medicine....."
-he look confused outside but he happy inside
-he kinda happy because in the future he gonna have a little assistance (for him it's kinda interesting)
-"first of all thank you and I promise we'll get through this"
-"it's that mean I'm gonna called uncle Cutthroat?? (In Japanese you said "Sātsujinki-Ojisan" ) it's not baddddd~~"cutthroat said it while jumping happily

<<Hoodlum >>

-then he shock and freeze to process your word
-he make a happy smile until his face melting
-"yahoooo.......we gonna be family in crime!!!!"
-then he start being your personal maid and taking care of you and doesn't test your patience statement (he just gonna get himself killed bruh)
-"let's try it out who's stronger between you and my child??" Brawler said

Thank you for requesting ~
I'm gonna try AU for the next chapter
Just look forward~~

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