
221 6 16

Fuck you..




Cant forget about


Last but not least...


Here is y'all's story

It was a normal night. Fatherinnit was holding a small, but very energetic tommy. He had just been set down when he immediately darted face-first into the wall. When father innit picked tommy back up, he jumped out of his arm's like a raccoon and hit a chair, the chair then fell through the floorboards. The ChIlD wAs sTuCk! FAtHeRiNnIt FiNaly gOt ThE cHiLd ouT but then reverse YEETED him, then he turned into a bouncy-ball, flinging everywhere! He hit the floor, REBOUNDED off and clung to the ceiling. Very reasonably, he fell and face planted onto the ground for tHE 5TH GOD DAM TIME WITHIN 5 MINUETS!1!!1!!! So, the noise a w a k e n d hará be, our lord and saviors spirit which did NOT make him happy, so he round-house P U N C H E D him through the wall, off of a very tall clif. Now he a raccoon. We dont know how or why, it jUST IS OK!

There y'all go.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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