Fuck you..
Cant forget about
Last but not least...
Here is y'all's story
It was a normal night. Fatherinnit was holding a small, but very energetic tommy. He had just been set down when he immediately darted face-first into the wall. When father innit picked tommy back up, he jumped out of his arm's like a raccoon and hit a chair, the chair then fell through the floorboards. The ChIlD wAs sTuCk! FAtHeRiNnIt FiNaly gOt ThE cHiLd ouT but then reverse YEETED him, then he turned into a bouncy-ball, flinging everywhere! He hit the floor, REBOUNDED off and clung to the ceiling. Very reasonably, he fell and face planted onto the ground for tHE 5TH GOD DAM TIME WITHIN 5 MINUETS!1!!1!!! So, the noise a w a k e n d hará be, our lord and saviors spirit which did NOT make him happy, so he round-house P U N C H E D him through the wall, off of a very tall clif. Now he a raccoon. We dont know how or why, it jUST IS OK!
There y'all go.
Short StoryI may or may not have been pressured into making this but who cares? What I'm here to ask is why are you here? What were your life choices that you messed up with that brought you to this book? How did you find yourself here?