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It's Friday and I'm about to go to surgery again. My mom just got here and gave me a kiss on the forehead before they took me back to the operating room.

"I will be here when you wake ok I promise."

"Ok mom."

"And I will hold onto this jacket for you ok."


I smiled at her as they took the bed and me away. They are going to open me up again to see how healed I am on the inside and hopefully take the stitches out. They say that the organs heal faster then the skin.

( I am not a doctor so don't take my word to heart ok)

They took me into a room with bright fucking lights and put a mask over my nose and mouth telling me to count to 10.







( no joke I could never get passed 5 when being put under. Yes I have had surgery before anyway)

Moms POV

I sat in her room watching the Tv waiting for her to come back. Can't believe my princess is going through all this. Good thing her father still pays for most.

A little while later

It's been a good three hours not to long.

Knock knock

"Come in."

The door opened and revealed a nervous looking Bakugo. He stepped in and closed the door.

"Hey Miss L/n."

"Oh please Bakugo no need."

"Ok. Where is she?"

"In surgery hopefully coming back soon."

"What? Why again?"

"Calm down. It's only to get some stitches out she is fine."


"You can sit Bakugo. No one is going to yell at you if you do."


"Well why would I?"

He walked over and sat down. That's when I noticed a black and brown stuffed dog in his hands. Sweet boy. He looked up at me sweating a little.

( it doesn't have to be black and brown it can be whatever)

"B-because I left her home alone."

"Oh Bakugo it's not your fault."

"Yes it is. If I had stayed we wouldn't be here or if I locked the door instead of thinking she would this wouldn't have happened."



"It's not your fault. If you would have stayed on your rut. You would have been kick out of U.A for murder. If the door was locked he would have found a different way in or a different day to take her. It's no one's fault except that bastards ok."

He shook his head and leaned back in his chair stuffed dog in his lap.

"I like the dog."

"Hmm oh yeah umm I just thought since I couldn't really be here this week i thought I could at least get her something."

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