(Trollex)x fem human my desire

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Y/n pov

I walked along the beach water's once again like I had been doing for the week I'm not giving up!I know what I saw!I saw a swimming glowing creature and I'll keep looking until I see him again I'm not crazy!

I took my swim suit cover off and I was left in my purple one piece I walked into the water until it was down on my waist I looked around trying to be as quiet as possible

No one was at the beach or in the water except for me which was good because if I was right and there is too much noise or too many people

Still nothing I walked in deeper until it was up to my breasts I refuse to go in any deeper maybe in a pool but I have no idea what's in the ocean

I continued looking and still nothing I found a big rock and climbed up on it I looked around and a shiver went down my spine as the feeling of being watched creeped upon me

"hello? Anyone there I called no answer "if you're a creature below water that's nervous.....I promise I'm not gonna to hurt you I won't tell anyone I saw you.....I just wanna know that I'm not crazy"

I heard a splash and quickly turned around I saw the tip of a head peek out of the water he seem to have green glowing long hair and big black blue liner eyes

"W-what are you?....I asked as he climbed up on the rock next to me and that's when I saw his glowing heart he was different I didn't know what he was

"I'm a troll not just any a techno troll... he said and laughed a little and got closer to my face my cheeks flushed red "I-um.....what's your name?"

"King trollex....What's yours?!"he asked

"Y/N" I answered

"Wanna go for a swim?" Trollex asked

"I....I dunno I can't go that far.....and I can't breath underwater like you" I said not thinking it was a good idea

"I'll hold on to you don't worry" trollex said

What do you mean by that?"I asked as he took my hand in ready to go deep below

"I'm extremely strong and able to control the water to make sure your able to breathe...so are you willing to trust me?"

He asked me very unsure I breathed in and out as I nod at him to take lead down below

He smiled brightly at me lowering our bodies deep below water to swim for a while

*Time skip*

Trollex dropped me off back at the beach and I was fully soaked my friend would find it funny to see me like this as I got soaked but it was fun I have to admit

"Thanks for letting me come along with you"I thanked trollex

It would've been better if you stayed and loved me trollex said I laughed it off as a joke but he meant every word

"That's sweet and I'm very flattered and all but I just met you....you can't just love someone you just met I said before taking my leave....

Trollex pov

You may not love me now but you will learn to eventually because you are my desire so starting tonight we will start being together....forever I swam back into the ocean as quiet as possible

I swam all the way in my kingdom heading straight into my thrown room and grabbed the triton I smiled darkly before swimming out the room I smiled wickedly thinking more as I looked at my triton

If she won't love me now then she'll start learning to love me becoming one just like me I said before swimming out the castle

*Tomorrow night*

I made my way to the surface I told my dear beauty Y/n to meet me here again I peeked my head out and saw her sitting there rubbing her eyes in frustration

Struggling to herself awake aw my poor little princess.....

"Y/n I called she looked up sleepily and when she saw me she smile because of me is proof that she is Mine!

"Hello"she said with a yawn "why did you want me to come back again?"she asked again trying to keep both eyes open

"I want to ask you something"I answered

What is it trollex?" She asked

"Would you like to become a techno troll like me?"I asked she thought it and shook her head

"No....trollex no offense I mean I love you you're awesome but don't think I want I'd want to be one"she said backing away

"Y-you love m-me?I asked in a twisted smile making her body shake in more fear backing away

"Well yeah as a friend of course "y/n said I growled in anger but immediately put a smile on my face forcing her into the water

She struggled to get away from me but she couldn't deny I was stronger I pulled her straight underwater she was helplessly unable to swim or breath I hold my triton to her in ready turning her into being just like me worked

She opened her eyes looking down at herself in tears then at me in anger "T-TROLLX I SAID I DIDN'T WANT TO BE WHAT YOU ARE WHY DID YOU DO THAT!

She yelled in tears I didn't respond I just smiled loving her beauty I grab her by the wrist forcing her into my castle locking both of us in my room

"Noooo why did you force me her I can't be here forever! She shouted more crying her eyes out

"I love you...I NEED YOU.....I need you by my side all the time!"I said my voice cracking

You barley even know me enough its has only been this day you love me trollex....I'm sorry I don't feel the same way she said turning away

Making me growl yelling in anger having y/n turned to me in fear

HAHAHAHAHA!YOU CAN LEARN TO LOVE ME"I said with an insane smile forcing her into a long heated kiss leading her into my bed

My family....I'll never see them again.."she said turning her face away from me in tears I looked over at her then smiled grabbing her face to look at me

"I know you love them but it's for the best to start you're own life our life having a family together becomethats my only desire about you your my desire....

I said finally attacking her neck sucking everywhere making her hiccup a moan across her lips leaving hickey's everwhere

She was forever my desirewheather she liked it or not~

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