One Week Away (Part 13)

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  Scrap Baby, and Molten Freddy were still asleep on their bed, while Lefty was in his room playing with Charlotte. Charlotte was used to waking her dad up everyday, so she wanted to go and wake the other two (Molten Freddy and Scrap Baby) up since Henry wasn't around. Lefty picked Charlotte up, and walked to their door, and then sat her down.

Lefty: "Go ahead. I'm pretty sure they're still asleep."
Charlotte: "Okay.."

Lefty opened the door for her, and then she walked in, and then Lefty walked in behind her. Charlotte softly tapped Scrap baby so she'd wake up, and Lefty went over to Molten Freddy and just slapped him to wake up.

Molten: "Ow! What the fuck, Lefty??"
Lefty: "Don't cuss, there's a child in here- Just wake up."

Scrap Baby woke up and looked at Charlotte, and then sat up.

Baby: "Do you need something?"
Lefty: "Nah, she just wanted to wake you up. It's freaking daytime."
Molten: "Why did you have to slap me though-"
Lefty: "Because why not."

Scrap Baby giggled, and picked Charlotte up.

Baby: "Maybe having a child of our own won't be hard after all Molten Freddy.."
Molten: "Yeah, you're saying that right now. She's already been raised by Henry. That's probably why she's so sweet."
Lefty: "Yeah trust me Baby, Having a child is harder than you think it is."
Baby: "It can't be that hard.."
Lefty: "You'll see- And speaking of a child, You do know that she's gonna be due in one week, right?"
Molten: "Wait what?"
Baby: "One week?!"
Lefty: "Yes. I'm not joking."
Molten: "Holy crap, I am not ready."
Baby: "I'm kinda curious of what he or she would look like.."
Lefty: "Same to be honest."
Baby: "Wait.. If Henry doesn't come back.. Does that mean we'll have to watch over 2 kids?.."
Lefty: "Yes. We're not leaving Charlotte on her own."
Molten: "I mean I wouldn't mind.. She seems like a sweet kid."
Baby: "True."
Charlotte slightly hugged Scrap Baby.
Charlotte: "Do you think my dad would ever come back..?"

Scrap Baby looked at Charlotte and softly smiled at her.

Baby: "There's a possibility that he will, so don't worry."
Lefty: "She's so innocent, it's adorable."
Molten: "Anyways- we need to get up, and start our day."
Baby: "Alright."

Lefty picked Charlotte up, and walked out of the room. Molten Freddy and Scrap Baby both got up and stretched, then walked into the dining area. Charlotte started to wander around the place so she'd know where things were.

Molten Freddy sat down on the stage besides Scrap Baby. Molten Freddy kissed her on the cheek, and she smiled a bit. Lefty walked over to Scrap Baby and Molten Freddy with Charlotte.

Lefty: "Can you guys watch Charlotte for a bit? I'm busy at the moment."
Molten: "Uhh.. Sure."
Baby: "Sure! Why not."

Lefty sat Charlotte on Baby's lap because she was sleeping. Scrap Baby softly rubbed her head because she was asleep.

Baby: "She's so adorable when she's sleeping."
Molten: "I agree."

Molten Freddy started to rub her head too.

Molten: "Actually.. maybe having kids won't be so bad after all.."
Baby: "Heh.. I agree." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2021 ⏰

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