~The Psychopath~

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This is a fluff story so sorry for spelling errors.💜💜

"You, sir, are going to be working with our scariest patience." The guard said to the doctor leading them to an elevator that started going down.
"S-scariest?" The young man spoke in slight fear. The further they went down the darker it got along with the coldness. 

Evan was not going to lie when he was thinking about taking his mum up on that offer to work for her at an office job. He couldn't help it though he loved this job, he likes to know how crazy killers think or how psychopaths get pleasure from torturing others. Evan has been in this business for years as a therapist for these types of people he has found out so much from the most violent teenagers, people who see the devil to mass murders, but this place he is in now hold the toughest and scariest patience of them all. 

It had been five minutes in the elevator till they stood out they had come face to face with a large metal door. In the entire prison, only three people had access to get through and the only way they could get through was face recognition. The door then opened with a creak, every step the boy took was filled with anxiety he had never been this scared in his life because he would be alone in a room with them. 

Evan peered down at his clipboard and looked back up he needed cell twelve searching around each one until he came across it, the very last cell at the end of the hall. Evan was excited but more filled with nerves he had to stay calm and collected while talking to this man. The cell was opened and a chair was placed in the white room a carboard pot was next to him that was it along with him cuffed to a chain thick enough for him not to be able to break. 

The cell door closed and the doctor waited for him to move, to make a sound but he didn't.
"Hello, my name is Evan I am here to ask you a few questions," Evan spoke not too loud but enough for the patient to hear, he was writing down a few notes and didn't realize the patient was staring at him until he looked back up. 

He couldn't make a noise or a face when he looked at his features he had to stay professional. The man was handsome no doubt about that messy green hair, pale face, sharp jaw but what stood out the most was his eyes. He had a clear scar that went over his left eye showing an 'x' but you could see that his pupil was white and fake it was a glass eye. His other eye, however, was bright blue. He only wore orange trousers and no shirt from his neck down his body was littered with amazing tattoo's only stopping at his arms and chest. 

"You're a pretty one aren't you, the prettiest that's ever stepped in these four walls." He spoke a grin leaving his face as his tongue dragged along his bottom lip eyeing the younger up and down. 
"T-thank you, but I'm not here for compliments. I am here to learn about you." Evan spoke a little off guard by what the psychopath said but covered it quickly with a confident reply. 
"How very sweet of you to want to get to know me, not many people do." He spoke with a scary chuckle that would frighten any child. 
"Do you think I'm scary? Do you think you could carry on another five minutes while being in the room with me? Do you think I might try to kill you in this very cell lock you up and eat you alive?" The questions never stopped each one getting scarier it was too much for Evan to handle the patient started screaming his face unlike any rage he has ever seen he didn't trust those chains, he sped out of the cell and shut it making the voice go quiet. Tears were brought to the man's eyes and his body was filled with fear he looked through the hole of the cell and saw the man raging and throwing himself about. Not wanting to be there any longer he sped out of the building and went home.

The whole scenario playing in his head all night. He couldn't eat, talk or sleep it was like a nightmare in real life but he wasn't going to give up he wanted to know more about the man and what made him feel this way.

Hours turned into days, days turned into weeks and weeks turned into months. Evan would go to see him every day and spend five minutes with him then a little more to be confident enough to stay in the cell with him for an hour or two. It would be a lie if the doctor said that he wasn't in love with the crazy man something about him maybe his looks the way he gave him his on nicknames or how they finally felt comfortable with each other. They were that close that the patient gave Evan his name for the first time, it was John. 

John always felt joy when he saw Evan, Evan was now his favourite part of his day he loved to tease the younger making him blush but giving him nicknames like princess or baby boy he loved the younger but it was like there love wasn't meant to be until later that night.

The cell of his door opened slightly and he saw Evan. Why was Evan there so late for one thing and one thing only, John. He had not only managed to sneak in at night but got the key to unlock the chain he was strapped too. Evan was scared of what may happen if he lets him go but he loved the man and needed him in his life so here he was setting him free.
"Evan what are you doing?!" John whispered loudly.
"I'm getting you out of here now come on and be quiet." No words left to say the two men sneaked there way out dogging guards, cameras and other loud cellmates. 

They got outside running like their lives depended on it which it did and sped off in the car. It was lucky that Evan lived two towns away otherwise this would be a lot harder. They relaxed slightly when they got into the house Evan going straight to the kitchen to make dinner.
"The bathroom is upstairs on the left, I've left you out some clothes that may fit you as well." Evan was definitely nervous about having a killer in his house what if he leaves and goes on a rampage or tires to kill him.

It had been two hours and they were both sitting on the couch watching a movie with a decent amount of space in between them. That was until John started to shuffle up a bit closer and closed and closer till their legs were touching. Evan didn't realize till he looked up at house close their faces were, he was very tense not knowing what to do until John had suddenly kissed him everything relaxed in his body when they kissed it was a little messy with some roughness in it. 

But all of it was out of love.


I hope you guys enjoyed today's oneshot this one is quite long sorry about that but all in all I hope it was fun to read it was fun for me to write. I hope you are all having a lovely morning, afternoon and evening. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

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