The introductions

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Disclaimer: Harry Potter doesn't belong to me

Harry Potter was currently sitting in the hospital wing talking with Hermione and Ron when a blinding white light appeared then disappeared just as suddenly as it came, taking the three friends with it. They were disoriented and confused as they found themselves in a strange room, surrounded by unfamiliar faces. It was only when Lily and James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, and the Weasleys introduced themselves that they realized they had been transported to a different time and place.

The room was plain, with just a few chairs, couches, and a large screen dominating the space. It was on the chairs that Lily found a note and seven packages. Reading the note aloud to the group, she explained that they had been brought here to watch their future, and they could not leave until they had watched everything. Time had frozen back home, so no one would know they were missing.

As they introduced themselves, Lily and James gasped when they heard their son's name. Harry, for his part, was in shock at the sight of his parents alive and well. The group was a mix of confusion, disbelief, and curiosity, as they wondered what the packages contained and what was in store for them.

Remus picked up the first package labeled 1 and read the note on it. He hesitated for a moment, unsure of what to do, but the group encouraged him to throw it on the screen. As the package hit the screen, the group watched in awe as the screen came to life, and they were transported into the story of Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

Welcome to the story of Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone........

Well that's chapter one! I know it's really short but the rest of the chapter won't be this short. I hope you enjoyed it.

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