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"Hey Oscar- wait are you okay?" David questions standing in Oscar's room doorway.

"Me and Stormi broke up" Oscar sighed.

"Well not all relationships last bro" David shrugged.

"I feel worse considering the fact that I was the one to break up with her" Oscar said leaving David standing like a mannequin. 🧍

"Is there a reason why you broke up with her?" David questioned.

"I told her that I fell in love with somebody else"

"Are you serious or..?" David trailed off.

"No I just felt overwhelmed and I got this one text saying that Stormi was going to cheat on me-

"Let me stop you right there" David interrupted.

"We knew Stormi for how long? You two dated for I don't know a month or two, and you believe a text that could be from Connor Caleb whatever the f*ck his name was"
David continued.

"But since you felt overwhelmed I may understand where you're coming from. Especially from past relationships and hookups wanting to- David say before getting cut off by Oscar.


"What it's true, that's why they're called one night-

"Someone please get David out of my room!" Oscar yelled then Dylan and Christian appeared.

"Explain to Oscar that when hookups- David started before Dylan cut him off.

"Don't even finish that sentence, let's just go play on the PlayStation" Dylan say while Christian grabbed David's hand and dragged him into the living room.

"I wasn't even close to finishing what I wanted to say!" David yelled.


"How are you not crying? This is one of the saddest videos on YouTube!" Franny say paying attention to Stormi.

"I guess I'm not human" Stormi chuckled.


So Oscar didn't actually fall in love with someone else he just felt overwhelmed

Overwhelmed by what?


I don't know what he's overwhelmed by but he got a text saying that Stormi will cheat on him. So I guess he broke up with her to avoid that

🤣 Stormi wouldn't get drunk even if she was allowed to and Caleb probably sent that text

Probably, but how did he get Oscar's #?

I don't know but Oscar blocked him

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