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Lux clenched her fist as she approached the colossal fortress ahead. She had to do this she thought to herself, this was the only way for the mages in her company, her people, could be safe. Demacia wasn't the place she grew up in anymore.

Where Peace and safety had once been only hatred waited for her today. Sylas had only made it worse proving to the narrow-minded Mage seekers that they were violent and hating of all things good. Lux knew that it could be different, that mages and non-mages could be allies.. The mage kingoms adjacent to demacia however were either overrun with refugees or afraid that Demacia may break their neutrality if they sheltered mages and so she and a group of like-minded individuals made there way eastwards where they were now standing at the foot of a massive fortress of black stone with simple geometric patterns.

Lux did not believe that Demacia would declare war but regarding the circumstances she could understand.

"Sure it doesn't look inviting but they won't hate us for what we are," Lux said to her companions. Then she added with joy in her voice "we are safe". As she and her now closest friend Saphirus stepped closer to the blackened steel gate Lux began to glow from the inside. She no longer could nor needed to conceal her light. "This is it," she thought to herself, no turning back .She knocked on the gate. A warrior in the armor of the same black steel as the gate opened a small hatch and peered at them "WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Lux was startled but her companion was quick to answer "we seek entrance to the great empire of Noxus."

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