Chapter 2

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The day passed very slowly. By the time 4:30 rolled around, I began getting dressed, hoping Dax would show up a little early to let me out.

But he didn't. He opened my door exactly at 5:00, to find me sitting on my bed, simply waiting. "You're not wearing your mask," he stated. I couldn't tell his tone.

"I don't want to," I replied.

"Oh, Astra," Dax chuckled, coming over to me and taking it from my hands. "No one will ever see your face, sweetheart. That's how it works, remember?"

"Why?" I asked softly.

"Because," he soothed. "Your brother and I need to keep you nice and hidden from the public. Is that clear?"

I looked at the floor, knowing I wasn't going to win this one. Or any one, for that matter. "Yes, that's clear," I whispered.

"Wonderful," he said, tying my mask in the back. "Come, let's go." He led me downstairs to the throne room, where the party was being held, and I just followed without a word. "Here she is," Dax called to Callum, as he brought me to stand in front of my brother.

He raised his chin when he saw me. "No talking, and you are to sit in your throne all night, as usual. I don't need anyone getting close enough to see your face, and I don't need you making friends. Do you understand me?"

I nodded, my hands shaking. Dax took my arm and guided me over to my throne. "Stay here, princess," he urged softly, pressing a kiss to my cheek. And then he was gone.

I was bored. To say the least. I watched people dance, and starved at the same time. I knew my brother wasn't going to let me get up to eat, not that I could open my mouth to ask anyway. So I sat.

Every so often I glanced over at Callum, who was watching Dax intently as he greeted everyone.

"Excuse me?" a voice called. My head snapped over to a boy, standing before the platform that our thrones were seated on. I looked at Callum again, who was staring at the boy.

"Can we help you?" Callum asked.

He looked somewhat nervous. "I just... was wondering if you had room to give shelter for one night. I've run out of places to go. I know it's asking a lot, but I won't be any trouble, I promise."

"Yes," I said, before Callum could. I didn't care if that got me in trouble later. "Yes, you may stay as long as you need, sir."

"Th—thank you, Princess," he said kindly.

Callum rose from his throne, gripped my arm tightly, and began to drag me away. I made eye contact with Dax briefly, my face full of sheer panic. Dax's eyes widened when he realized Callum was angry, and he immediately followed us away from the party.

My brother ripped the mask off my face, and before I even know what was happening, his palm collided with my cheek.

"Hey," Dax called, rushing over to us and holding Callum back. "Calm," he soothed, burying my brother's face in his chest and stroking his hair gently. "Astra, will you tell me what happened?"

I took a deep breath, trying not to let the stinging tears in my eyes fall. "Someone asked for shelter, and I said yes," I said quietly, looking at the floor. Dax looked at me for a moment, before taking my mask from my brother's hands, and placing it back over my head.

"There," he said softly, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "Now, go back out there and don't you dare leave your throne. Understood?"

"Yes, Dax," I mumbled, hurrying away before Callum could get even angrier. I couldn't help it. I was scared of him.

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