Linhardt x Archer!Reader

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 You weren't necessarily upset about being paired up with Linhardt. In fact, you liked Linhardt a lot, and admired him for his intellect, but you knew that his work ethic regarding homework was a bit... problematic for partner projects.

The project was due tomorrow. It wasn't too hard, it was mainly about analyzing your combat class, in addition to your partner's. The physics of archery were pretty easy for you, as you'd been practicing since you were young. Really young. Toddler young. In hindsight, that probably wasn't your father's safest idea, but you definitely appreciated it. So, since you were a distance fighter you could partially understand the way magic worked but at the same time... magic was just weird. Like how could you possibly explain it? It was called "magic" for a reason..

You groaned, finding yourself in front of Linhardt's door and clutching your notes in your hand. Something deep inside of you had hoped that he at least started his half of the project, but you suspected he hadn't. Linhardt was incredibly smart, and could probably finish the project in an hour or two if he wanted to but he had this... babyish way to him. At times, you found it cute, his general lax, sarcastic, and sleepy demeanor, but again, in this situation it was definitely not cute. Just irresponsible.

"Linhardt!" You called, knocking on the door. You hadn't seen him at all for the past two days. He didn't go to class on Friday, or today, and when you knocked on his door Saturday and Sunday, there was no response. But now you'd had enough. You'd break in there if you had to.

As expected, there was no reply. You put an ear to the door, to see if you could hear something, but to no avail. Would his door be locked? It did seem like an invasion of privacy, and you'd hate it if someone burst into your room, but... at this point he deserved it. You jostled the door knob. It wasn't locked.

"I'm coming in." You stated, before pushing the door open.

Linhardt blinked at you from his bed. He hadn't responded to you, but he was awake.

"Why didn't you answer me?"

"I figured you'd let yourself in. You're a bit pushy." He replied.

"What about Saturday and Sunday?" You questioned.

"Oh, yeah, you woke me up when you knocked but I had the door locked and didn't feel like getting up." Linhardt yawned, stretching his arms.

"Goddess..." You mumbled angrily, looking around his room. It was trashed. Books were strewn about the room and some of them were even open. "Don't you get tired of this mess?"

"Yes." He replied quickly. "So I sleep."

You kind of wanted to hit him. "Alright, fine. Have you at least started the project?"

"No." Another quick response, completely void of any shame whatsoever. "Well I started writing our names but... I forgot how to spell yours."


"I'm joking, of course." He chuckled.

"Good so you've worked on it?" Your lips formed a faint smile.

"Oh. No, I just wrote both of our names, but I spelled yours right. Probably."

Your smile faded instantly. You weren't a violent person, in fact, you'd say you were a pacifist, but when it came to your grades... you were deadly serious. If you had to, you'd draw your bow and aim it at his head until he finished. In fact, you'd just come back from target practice, so you had a quiver slung over your shoulder and your bow clipped to your belt. It would take just a few seconds-

"Is this what you've been working on?" Linhardt asked, snatching the papers from your hands.

"Hey give those-" You attempted to steal the papers back, but he held them over your head. Despite being only a bit on the tall side he did a very good job keeping your hands several inches away from your project that you had spent hours and hours working on. Linhardt began to look at one of the pages, while continuing to hold the others high above your head.

Linhardt x Archer!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now